Influences Flashcards
- removal of barriers to trade b/w nations
- involves increased economic integration,
- can increase production + create cost saving measures
Impacts operations: - (B) producing for a global market: therefore global branding + standardised products
- Some products customised for dif countries
- (b)’s attempt to standardise for EOS → design must meet needs of global consumers = reduce costs (e.g. Apple: standard product (customise apps/ languages) (McDonald’s - standard menu (dif lang)
- have access to leading-edge tech = linked to opp for product differentiation (more materials)
- Location of production: need to be near supplier (a lot cheaper: transport costs) → linked to logistics/ inventory management
- allows (b)’s to benefit from lower production + labour costs found overseas which
may lead to the outsourcing of jobs overseas e.g. Bonds moved manufacturing ops offshore (China - but design clothes in Aus) to take adv of cheaper labour costs leading to Aus staff retrenchment = allows for suppliers overseas - QM: needs to be higher due to global market
- SCM + global web: refers to the range of suppliers a (b) has + nature of its r/s w/ those suppliers, –> need to be highly responsive to changes in demand
Global web = network of suppliers a (b) has chosen on basis of lowest overall cost, lowest risk + max certainty in quality + timing of supplies → cost leaders - NEG = qual could suffer = using cheaper inputs, increased comp, can be harder to control qual (don’t have hold of QM)
- important role in application of ops function
- defined by the design, construction and/or application of innovative devices, methods + machinery upon processes
- can assist w/ organisation, planning + decision making
- Processing level: tech used in a wide range of tasks inclu manufacturing, logistics, QM etc
- Tech used in admin of ops: Gantt Chart + Critical Path - analysis, computers etc
- Op processes: large machines, robotics etc
- Comp adv → quick lead times, efficiency
- Changes in tech = can influence a (b)’s ability to create + sell its g/s
- a change in tech usually allows for an increase in speed + production = generally means a reduction in time spent making product eg Samsung
uses CAD + robotics to manufacture products = caused their assembly
based labour force to be retrenched
Quality expectations
- Quality + expectations cannot be separated as consumers expectations being met determines qual
- CE set the standards that (b) will attempt to meet
- QE of goods include: design, purpose, durability
- QE of services include: professionalism, reliability, level of customisation
- EXAMPLE: Tiffany & Co:
company’s rep = based on its very high qual standards
= known for the high qual of diamonds it sources + for its blend of conservative/ contemporary designs
Cost-based Competition
- derived from determining break-even point → then applying strategies to create cost advs over competitors
- recognises prices cannot keep increasing → reduce costs instead to max profits when revenues are fixed
- Mass customisation → enables cost-based comp
CB comp + op management - focus on reducing costs while maintaining profit margins
- Fixed costs = do not change - Variable costs = vary
- A (b) can apply cost leadership to reduce both fixed + variable costs
Strategies for CBC: SCM –> logistics, perf obj of cost = could improve efficiency + better compete w/ foreign (b)’s, global sourcing = enables lower input costs as
(b) takes adv of low-cost producers
Government Policies
- all (b)’s operate in a political-legal env
- affect (b) rules/ regulations → directly affect management of KBF’s
- Govt. policies change according to social exps (e.g. carbon pricing)
- Policies such as taxation rates, WHS, public health policies → impact (b) ops
- Since policies can inform law-making, ops managers need to be fully aware of the contemporary govt. policies + what they compromise
Legal Regulations
- Compliance: range of laws w/ which a (b) must comply
- Compliance costs: expenses associated w/ meeting requirements of legal regulations
- Ops management: has particular laws that influence how practices + processes are conducted
- the relevant laws will relate to labour + labour management, env + public health: WHS, T&D, Fair Work + anti-discrimination laws, environmental protection
Environmental Sustainability
- involves shaping processes in such a ways as to minimise harmful effects on env in future
Main aspects: - Renewable resources
- Reduction in use of non-renewable resources
- Ops management affected by rise in climate change awareness + need to integrate a long-term sustainable view of resource management into (b) planning + practice = need to implement processes that are eco-friendly = increase customer satisfaction + rep
- (b) increasingly trying to reduce carbon footprint
- e.g. Lush handmake products w/ env friendly sustainable inputs = increasing customer satisfaction + minimising effects on env
Corporate Social Responsibility (why may be resistant) - this is to change but w/ more links to CSR (so use strategies resistance to change + these for CSR)
- increased costs e.g. costs of redundancy, purchasing new equip, retrenchment, also of renewable resources = sourcing ethically + implementing sustainable practices = costly
- (purchasing env friendly products + packaging e.g. biodegradable straws + cups) –> lessens ability to be a cost leader
- cost a (b) money, especially in short-run
- time-consuming = to find an ethical responsible supplier = (b) will need to find a new supplier for env friendly inputs = new packaging may lead to increase in price of g/s = possibly resulting in a decrease in sales = can lead to decrease sales if take too long = potential loss of customers
- (b) may decide not to pay these expenses in hope of achieving a higher profit
CSR - difference between legal compliance and ethical responsibility
- legal comp = complying with the law e.g. in op = following WHS standards
- ethical responsibility = op decisions which are not only legally compliant but go beyond by taking extra measures deemed morally responsible
- helps (b) achieve positive rep = increase sales
- involves env sustainable practices
- Areas of compliance: labour laws, human rights - anti-discrimination, env + public health - regulations stopping dumping, pollution
- Can decrease compliance by outsourcing dif areas of operations e.g - manufacturing offshore (decrease labour law worries)
- e.g. Nike → unethical (sweatshops) → bad rep., decrease sales, profit
- e.g. Cadbury ER = association w/ Fair trade Association = ensure funds and some profits = allocated fairly to those in developing countries, where cocoa is sourced
- e.g. using env friendly practices e.g. reusable cups in cafe’s
CSR - Environmental sustainability and Social Responsibility
- Eco growth should not occur w/ pollution, loss of forest, degrading air, water/ forest
- Balance b/w eco concerns + env concerns
- (B)’s need to be responsible for protection of env (e.g - decreased carbon output)
- principle of ecological sustainability requires (b)’s to evaluate full env effects of their ops
- a socially responsible (b) tries to achieve two goals simultaneously:
- expanding (b) + providing for greater good of society → need to have careful consideration
- Env sustainability + social responsibility = features of an ethical approach to ops management
CSR - why key concern for op management
- goes beyond legal compliance for what is ethically + morally correct for community
- key concern = determine processes used –> ethically sourced, env friendly inputs - also key concern as: can increase costs = expensive
- requires (b) to shape processes as such to minimise env damage + waste
- e.g. if use outsourcing = not exploiting workers
- if do not adopt these practices = won’t have/ lose support of consumers = decrease sales
- (b) should avoid pollution, degrading air, water + farmland in its ops management
- (b) by supplying goods in an ecologically sustainable manner = fulfilling customer
exps about them being a responsible (b)
how (b) may benefit: - Bad publicity from lack of respect for human rights or from low env standards = can result in loss of sales + profits
- acting in an ethical + socially responsible manner = avoid this risk
- A (b) that conducts its ops in an ethically responsible manner may also have a more motivated + productive workforce = will contribute to higher profits, as employee
trust + commitment to (b) is higher