Influence of early attachments on later relationships Flashcards
What did Bowlby argue about the influence of early attachments on later relationships?
Bowlby argued the relationships built between the mother and the infant provides the basis for later adult relationships. There is an internal working model built from their first relationship, which consists of a view of themselves and other people as trustworthy or not.
What is the internal working model?
The mental representation we all carry with us of our relationship to our primary caregiver, includes what we think relationships should be like
What researcher conducted research into the influence of early attachments on childhood relationships?
Lieberman (1977)
What did the research into the influence of early attachments on childhood relationships by Lieberman et al find?
Lieberman et al found that children classified as “securely attached” went on to be more socially skilled in their friendships, with closer relationships with friends
Who were the psychologists who used a questionnaire study on 196 children?
Myron - Wilson + Smith (1998)
Outline the research done by Myron - Wilson + Smith in (1998)?
Myron - Wilson + Smith used a questionnaire study on 196 children aged 7-11 from London.
What were the findings of Myron - Wilson + Smith questionnaire study?
It was found securely attached children were not likely to be involved in bullying and be more confident in interactions with friends.
Children who had a type D (disorganised attachment) seemed to struggle the most to make friends with their peers
Children who had insecure avoidant attachment types were most likely to have been bullied and tended to be more reliant on teachers for interactions and emotional support.
Children who had insecure resistant attachment types were most likely to be bullies
What is a limitation of the research into the influence of early attachments on childhood relationships? (correlation)
The research into the influence of early attachments on childhood relationships is correlation. This is an issue because there are implications of a relationship between early attachment and childhood relationships. Therefore, ignoring that there may be other factors affecting childhood relationships that cannot show cause and effect
What is a limitation of the research into the influence of early attachments on childhood relationships?
The research into the childhood relationships uses questionnaires. Most questionnaires consist of close ended question types, which do not enable children to expand on their answers
Hazan and Shaver conducted a study into the influence of early attachments on romantic relationships by analysing responses to a quiz.
What did the quiz assess?
The quiz assessed their current and previous love experiences, general love experiences and attachment types
Outline the study by Hazan and Shaver into the influence of early attachments on romantic relationships:
Hazan and Shaver analysed 620 replies to a love quiz in a local newspaper
What were Hazan and Shaver’s findings from their research into the influence of early attachments on romantic relationships?
Hazan and Shaver found that those who reported secure attachments were most likely to have longer lasting relationships
What is a limitation of the research into the influence of early attachments on romantic relationships?
There are psychologists who have found opposing evidence, for example Rutter et al. In their study of a group of people, those who had experienced problematic relationships with their parents went on to achieve secure, stable and happy adult relationships
What is a limitation of the research into the influence of early attachments on romantic relationships?
The study conducted by Hazan and Shaver could not show cause and effect. The study used correlational research. Other factors may influence a relationship such as past experiences, financial difficulties etc. The study does not take into account these factors that may affect romantic relationships
What is a limitation of the research into the influence of early attachments on romantic relationships?
Hazan and Shaver had a biased sample, which was accomplished by using a volunteered sample. This made the study prone to volunteer bias the people had spare time and interest in the topic. As a result, the study lack representations of wider populations
What did Bailey et al’s research assess?
Bailey et al’s research assessed whether the internal working model also affected people’s ability to parent and whether their parenting styles passed through generations
What study did Baddeley et al carry out to conduct his research?
Baddeley et al assessed the attachments of 99 mothers using the strange situation methodology. The majority of women had same attachment classification to both their babies and their mothers
What is a limitation of the research into the influence of early attachments on parenting skills?
One limitation of Baddeley et al’s research is he used the strange situations methodology. This would have reduced the internal validity of the study. This is because some critics argue that the strange situation methodology does not actually assess attachment, instead assess anxiety/separation anxiety