Influence of early attachments on later relationships Flashcards
What is the internal working model?
Mental representations of the world- contains our perceptions of what future relationships look like
What determines an individual’s internal working model for future relationships?
Bowlby- a baby’s 1st relationship with a primary attachment figure
What is attachment type in childhood associated with?
Quality of peer relationships
What did Kerns say about the quality of peer relationships in childhood?
- Secure attachment: form best quality childhood friendships
- Insecure attachment: friendship difficulties
What did Wilson and Smith investigate, and how did they do it?
- Assessed attachment type and involvement in bullying
- Used standard questionnaires- for 196 children aged 7-11 from London
What did Wilson and Smith find?
- Secure= no involvement in bullying
- Insecure avoidant= most likely to be bullying victims
- Insecure resistant= most likely to be bullies
What did Hazan and Shaver investigate, and how did they do it?
- Association between childhood attachment and adult relationships
- Used a ‘love quiz’ to assess romatic relationships and attachment
- 620 answers were analysed
- 3 sections: current relationship, general love experiences, which statement fits your opinion
What did Hazan and Shaver find?
- 56% secure
- 25% insecure avoidant
- 19% insecure avoidant
What is the link between childhood attachment and adult romantic relationships?
- Secure= strong, long lasting
- Insecure avoidant= jealousy, fear of intimacy
- Insecure resistant= controlling, aggressive
What did McCarthy investigate, and how did she do it?
- 40 women, assessed using strange situation as babies (longitudinal)
What did McCarthy find?
- Secure= best adult friendships and romantic relationships
- Insecure avoidant= struggle with intimacy in romance
- Insecure resistant= problems maintaining friendships
What did Bailey find about the internal working model?
- Internal working model affects the ability to parent
- Assessed attachment in 99 mothers- to babies and own mothers
- Most women had the same attachment classification to their baby and mother
What are the strengths of research?
- Research support
- (Opportunities)
What are the limitations of research?
- Conflicting research support
- Validity issues with retrospective studies
- Confounding variables
I- Research support
D- Fearon and Roisman reviewed studies, and concluded early attachment is consistent in predicting later attachment, emotional well-being, attachment to kids. Strength of relationship (early attachment type and later development) depends on attachment type and the aspect of later development. Resistant- mild disadvantages vs disorganised- mental disorder
E- Means secure attachment conveys advantages for development