What is Crohn’s disease?
A chronic inflammatory GI disease characterised by transmural granulomatous inflammation affecting any part of the gut from mouth to anus.
What are the two main parts of the GI tract affected by Crohn’s?
The terminal ileum and the proximal colon.
What is the difference between ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s in terms of the spread of disease within the GIT?
Ulcerative colitis starts in the rectum and spreads proximally. Crohn’s can develop anywhere in the GIT and diseased areas are separated by areas of unaffected GIT (skip lesions).
Which form of IBD is more associated with bloody diarrhoea? Crohn’s or ulcerative colitis?
Ulcerative colitis
In ulcerative colitis, what might be mixed with the patient’s stool along with blood?
What is ulcerative colitis?
A relapsing and remitting inflammatory disorder of the colonic mucosa primarily affecting the colon and rectum.
How might someone with suspected Crohn’s disease present? (Name at least 4 symptoms)
Abdominal pain Diarrhoea Urgency to go to the loo Foul smelling diarrhoea Weight loss Vomiting Fever Malaise Anorexia Mouth ulcers
On examination, what are some of the signs associated with Crohn’s?
Clubbing Tenderness Mouth uclers Right iliac fossa pain Anaemia Anal and perianal complications
Extragastro-intestinal features associated with CD: Uveitis Conjunctivitis Athropathy Arthralgia Ankylosing spondylitis Inflammatory back pain Erythema nodosum Pyoderma gangrenosum
What do we call inflammatory bowel disease that cannot be definitively classified as either ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s disease?
Colitis of undetermined type and etiology (CUTE)
In terms of epidemiology, what ethnic group is most prone to IBD?
Jewish people
Which sex is more often affected by IBD?
How is age related to severity of inflammatory bowel disease?
It is thought that those who develop symptoms earlier in life will experience more aggressive and extensive disease
What is the largest independent risk factor for development of IBD?
Having a family member with the disease
How is hygiene related to Crohn’s disease?
Good domestic hygiene has been shown to be a risk factor for CD. A ‘clean’ environment may not expose the intestinal immune system to pathogenic or non-pathogenic mircoorganisms such as helminths which seems to alter the balance between effector and regulatory immune responses.
How is smoking related to ulcerative colitis?
Smoking has been shown to be protective against ulcerative colitis. Non- and ex-smokers are more at risks of developing ulcerative colitis, whereas one trial has actually shown that nicotine can be an effective treatment.
How is smoking related to Crohn’s disease?
Smoking is a risk factor for CD, and sufferers are more likely to be smokers. Smoking increases the risk of disease recurrence after surgery.