Inflammatory arthritis disorders Flashcards
Rheumatoid Arthritis
An autoimmune and inflammatory disease which mainly attacks the joints, usually many joints at once.
Epidemiology of Rheumatoid arthritis
- Females affected more than men
* Peak incidence in the 50’s
Describe the clinical features of RA.
- Pain worse in the morning (morning stiffness lasting greater than 1 hour)
- Relieved by exercise
Describe the hand changes in Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Symmetrical joint tenderness, redness and swelling
- Sausage shaped fingers
- Loss of valleys around the knuckles
- Swan neck deformity
- Boutonniere deformity
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
- Ulnar deviation of MCPs
- Radial deviation of wrist
- Rheumatoid nodules
What is swan neck deformity?
Hyper-extension at the PIP joint and flexion of the DIP joint
Boutonniere deformity
Flexion of the PIP joint and hyper-extension of the DIP joint
X-ray changes in RA
Periarticular osteoporosis
Increased joint space
Soft tissue swelling
Investigations in RA.
- FBC – anaemia of chronic disease
- ESR/CRP – raised
3, Positive RF - Positive anti-CCP
- Pulmonary effusion
- Pulmonary fibrosis (caused by methotrexate)
Rheumatoid nodules
Firm lumps that appear under the skin in up to 20% of patients with RA. They usually occur overexposed joints that are subject to trauma, such as the finger joints and elbows.
What antibodies are present in RA
Management of RA
Anti-TNFs inhibitors (biological drugs)
First line DMARDs in RA
Side effects of Methotrexate
Bone marrow suppression
Pulmonary fibrosis
Renal failure
Second line DMARDs in RA
Side effects of Sulfasalazine
Bone marrow suppression
How is the effectiveness of DMARDs measured?
Side effects of Azathioprine (DMARD)
Bone marrow suppression
Side effect of Penicillamine
Nephrotic syndrome
Side effects of Gold
Nephrotic syndrome
Skin reaction
Side effects of Hydroxychloroquine
Corneal micro deposits
Side effects of Anti-TNF inhibitors (etanercept, adalimumab, infliximab)
Blood dyscrasias
Reactivation of TB
What investigation needs to be done before prescribing Anti-TNF inhibitors?
Chest Xray (reactivation of latent TB)
Examples of Anti-TNF inhibitors
Etanercept, adalimumab, infliximab
When can Anti-TNF inhibitors be prescribed in RA?
Only if 2 DMARDs have failed (with 1 of them being methotrexate).
Difference in symptoms between RA & OA.
Pain worse in the morning (morning stiffness lasting greater than 1 hour)
Relieved by exercise
–> In RA
Pain and stiffness less than 30 minutes in the morning, Pain worse with movement, and improves with rest.
–> OA
What is Gout?
Inflammatory arthritis
Results from uric acid deposition in synovium
What enzyme leads to the production of uric acid?
Xanthine oxidase
Risk factors for Gout
o Male o Obesity o Alcohol o Purine rich diet o Thiazide diuretics o Renal insufficiency o Cyclosporine o Salicytates o Hereditary o Occupational lead exposure
What drugs lead to gout?
Thiazide diuretics
Example of salicytates
What kind of diet leads to gout?
Purine rich diet
Symptoms of Gout
Acute onset Hot Swollen Red Tender joint Very painful
Where do the majority of gout attacks arise?
60-70% of attacks occur on big toe (known as podagra)
First metatarsalphalangeal joint
What joint does gout usually affect?
First metatarsalphalangeal joint
Gouty Tophi
Indicates chronic deposition of urate
Investigations in Gout
Elevated serum uric acid Xray Soft tissue swelling Polarised microscopy of synovial fluid Negatively bifringent, needle shaped crystals
What does the polarised microscopy of synovial fluid in Gout show?
Negatively bifringent, needle shaped crystals
Management of gout
NSAIDs (1st line)
Colchicine (2nd line)
Corticosteroids (oral or intraarticular)
What is the preventative prophylaxis for gout?
Allopurinol - Do not start during flare-up as can potentiate further flare
Diet advice
Mechanism of action of Allopurinol
Xanthine oxidase inhibitor
Calcium pyrophosphate dehydrate disease (CPPD) aka Pseudogout
Calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate crystal deposition disease (CPPD) is a form of arthritis that causes pain, stiffness, tenderness, redness, warmth and swelling (inflammation) in some joints.
What is the main disease associated with CPPD?
Associated with OA
What disease/diseases is CPPD associated with in the elderly?
Haemochromatosis Hyperparathyroidism Hypothyroidism Renal osteodystrophy Wilson’s disease
Calcium pyrophosphate dehydrate disease (CPPD) is divided into 2 syndromes - what are they?
Pseduogout – in joint space
(chondrocalcinosis) – in cartilage and soft tissue
What is Chondrocalcinosis?
A dorm of CPPD - Cartilage calcification is accumulation of calcium salts in hyaline cartilage and/or fibro-cartilage. It can be seen on radiography.
Investigations is CPPD
Increased CRP, PV, ESR
Ca2+/TSH to look for secondary causes of metabolic disease
Rhomboid shaped, positively bifringent crystals
What does the microscopy of the synovial fluid in CPPD/Pseudogout show?
Rhomboid shaped, positively bifringent crystals
Management of Pseudogout
Corticosteroids – systemic & intra-articular
What is the difference in management of Pseudo-gout and gout?
Unlike gout (where you can use allopurinol) there is no prophylactic treatment for pseudogout
Brittle bones - Quantitative defect of bone characterized by reduced bone mineral density (BMD)
What are the typical fracture sites in osteoporosis?
distal radius, femoral neck, vertebral bodies
How is osteoporosis diagnosed?
Dexa scan to show BMD
What are the typical Dexa scan values in osteoporosis?
BMD >2.5 SD below normal = osteoporosis
What are the typical Dexa scan values in osteopenia?
BMD 1-2.5 standard deviations (SD) below normal = osteopenia
Stage before osteoporosis is called osteopenia. This is when a bone density scan shows you have lower bone density than the average for your age, but not low enough to be classed as osteoporosis.
Osteopenia does not always lead to osteoporosis.
Management of osteoporosis
Calcium supplements
Vitamin D supplements
Mechanism of action of biphosphonates
Acts to reduce osteoclastic resorption
Marked softening of your bones, most often caused by inadequate amounts of Vitamin D, calcium and phosphorus
Qualitative defect of bone with abnormal softening of the bone due to deficient mineralisation of osteoid
What is the name for osteomalacia disease in children?
Investigations for osteomalacia
Serum alkaline phosphatase levels are usually raised in osteomalacia
Low serum calcium
Treatment for osteomalacia
Vitamin D supplements
Calcium supplements
Phosphate supplements
Paget’s disease
The pelvis, skull, spine and legs are most commonly affected.
Bone making process becomes faster and out of control.
Newly formed bone is thicker, abnormally shaped and weaker
Prone to fractures
Most commonly affected bones in Paget’s disease
The pelvis, skull, spine and legs
What do the Radionuclide bone scans show in Paget’s disease?
Show areas of increased uptake, caused by increased vascularity.
Most common site for Paget’s sarcoma
Features of Paget’s disease affecting the SKULL.
May cause hearing loss if it affects the bones of the skull
What are the Xray findings of Paget’s disease?
Thickening of cortex
Areas of osteolysis
Trabecular thickening and sclerosis
Investigations for Paget’s disease
Normal calcium and phosphate, raised alkaline phosphate
Treatment for Paget’s disease
Bisphosphonate therapy (risedronate)
Osteogenesis imperfecta
Autosomal dominant bone disorder that is present at birth. It is also known as brittle bone disease. A child born with OI may have soft bones that break (fracture) easily, bones that are not formed normally,
What is the mode of inheritance of Osteogenesis imperfecta
Autosomal dominant
Symptoms of Osteogenesis imperfecta
Multiple fragility fractures of childhood Short stature with multiple deformities Blue sclerae Loss of hearing History of low energy fractures Malformation of the teeth
Marfan’s syndrome
A disorder of the body’s connective tissues, a group of tissues that maintain the structure of the body and support internal organs and other tissues.
Pectus excavatum
Hollowed chest
Marfan’s syndrome symptoms
Tall stature with disproportionately long limbs, fingers and loose ligaments, scoliosis, joint instability, high srched palate
Pectus excavatum (hollowed chest)
What is Gower’s sign?
A sign of proximal weakness, uses hands to get up from squatting position - usually muscular dystrophy
Ankylosing spondylitis (AS)
Type of arthritis that causes pain and stiffness in your spine, usually starts in your lower back.
What is the name given to the spine in Ankylosing spondylitis (AS)?
Bamboo spine
Symtoms of Ankylosing spondylitis (AS)
Primarily affects the spine - “Bamboo spine”
Usually males <30
Question mark posture
Hyperextension of the neck
Severe kyphosis of the thoracic spine
Earliest changes at the sacro-iliac joints
What condition is associated with Ankylosing spondylitis (AS)?
Associated with UC