Hope (stay, wait)
They hope to arrive before the girls.
Love (affected, feeling)
Pamela loves to eat pizza with her family
Decide (deliberate, resolve, determine)
They decided to go on a trip to Italy for their anniversary.
Learn (discover, know)
Josue learned to play soccer.
Like (attract,
feeling of longing)
Fanny and Luci like to paint landscapes
Want (to have a desire, to crave)
I want to build his own company.
Intend (meditate, act of reasoning)
I intended to visit you before Christmas.
Hate (detest, despise, dislike)
I hate to hear it, but we’re not going to the beach this year.
Forget (lose something, to not worry)
Maicol forgot to pay the internet
Plan (elaborate,
organize an activity)
They plan to attend tomorrow’s match.