Infinite Cardinalities Flashcards
Are there more students in a room, or more chairs? How do you know?
Show a function
How to show that a function is injective from A to B?
Cardinality from A to B if A>B is injective
Georg Cantor (1845 - 1918) Generalized observation to sets (infinite and finite)
Two sets A and B have equal cardinality iff: …
Schroder-Bernstein Theorem
|A| </ |B| and |B| </ |A|
By the Schroder-Bernstein Theorem - there is a bijective function between A and B.
What is the Schroder-Bernstein Theorem?
Two sets A and B are said to have equal cardinality iff |A| ≤ |B| and |B| ≤ |A|
There is a bijective function between A and B, so that A > B and B > A.
Thus, A and B are “equipollent” written A ∿ B
Definition of a set which has finite or countable infinite cardinality:
- Set is finite if it is equinumerous with a set {1, 2 …, n} for some number n
- Set is countably infinite if it equinumerous to N [Has a cardinality ℵ0]
Set is countable or denumerable if it is finite or countably infinite
Therefore, enumerable if infinite
Of which number is there more?
E, N, Z, Q can all be mapped onto the natural numbers, so they have a cardinality of ℵ0, so |N| = |E|
Show that |N| = |E|:
Show that |N| = |E|:
f(x) = 2x is a bijective function
Show that |N| ≤ |Z|:
Show that |N| ≤ |Z|:
f(x)=x is an injective function from N to Z
Show that |Z| ≤ |N|:
Find a function such that |Z| = |N|
Can we find a bijection between N and Q?
Matching rational number to infinity to N (skip doubles)
What is Cardinal Arithmetic?
ℵ0 + 1 = ℵ0 + ℵ0 = ℵ0
Ex: Hilbert’s Hotel
How do you show the impossible?
Indirect Proof: Assume it, and derive a contradiction
What is a proof for Diagonalization:
- Assumption
- Define bijection (contradiction)
- Table
- Construct new element
- Construct element should/cannot be in table
- Cannot be in table = contradiction
- Conclusion
Used to show that ℝ is enumerable
What is Cantor’s Theorem?
|ℙ(A)| > A
The Cardinality of a power set > set itself
Ex: |ℕ| < |ℙ(ℕ)|
How to prove? Assume |ℙ(A)| = A and derive a contradicition
What is the Continuum Hypothesis?
|ℝ| = ℵ1
What sets are uncountable?
- Powerset of ℕ(the set of all subsets of ℕ)
- Set of function from ℕ to ℕ
- Real numbers
Homework 01
Show that the cardinality of A ⋃ {a} is still ℵ0
To prove this we need to find a bijection from ℕ to A ⋃ {a}.
Since A is countably infinite, there must be a bijection f from ℕ to A. Now, define a bijection g from ℕ to A ⋃ {a} as follows: g(0) = a and g(n) = f(n-1) for all n ∈ ℕ
Homework 1
Show that the cardinality of A⋃B is still ℵ0
Homework 02
Homework 02