Infidelity Flashcards
P1: Tom uses his masculine power to pursue as many women as possible as there is a lack of consequence for him
C1: ‘Tpm’s got another woman’
C7: ‘Once in a while I go off on a spree and make a fool of myself but I always come back to Daisy’
Critical however of breakdown of traditional marriage (irony)
C7: ‘‘Nowadays people begin by sneering at family life and family institutions’
P2: Daisy’s affair with Gatsby shows her detachment to romantic love as she commodifies it as another thing to collect
C5: ‘He revalued everything in his house according to the measure of response it drew from her well loved eyes’
C6: ‘The whole caravansary had fallen in like a card house at the disapproval of her eyes’
C7: ‘You resemble the advertisement of the man’
Abesent from thee - The speaker finds his infidelities painful but cannot stop himself from commiting
‘The straying Fool ‘twill plainly kill’
‘Faithless to thee, False, unforgiv’n and lose my everlasting rest’
Absent from thee - male desire allows for the speaker to pursue his desires while the women he pursue are insignificant
‘Some base heart unblest’
‘When wearied with a world of woe’
The Scrutiny - The speaker believes that he must have a variety of affairs to find what he is looking for
‘Like skilful mineralists that sound for treasure in un plowed up ground’
The Scrutiny - There is a sense of impatience around the speaker as he desires to find more women
‘A tedious twelve hours’ space’
Women are also viewed as objects for the speaker to work his way through
‘But all joy in thy brown hair’/‘I must search the black and fair’
Nom sum - The speaker reminisces over a past love as he is sleeping with another woman
‘Mine arms in love and sleep she lay’
‘I cried for madder music and for stronger wine’