Infective Endocarditis - Krause Flashcards
Structures affected by IE
Endocardium (inner lining)
Chordae Tendinae
Risk factors for IE
*IV drug ause
*Chronic invasion of the skin (indwelling cath)
Poor dental hygeine
Prosthetic valves
Organisms commonly causing IE
Staph aureus (slow clearing)
S. epidermidis (early prosthetic valve IE)
Strep (mutans, sanguis)
Strep Bovis (elderly, needs colonoscopy)
Other IE organisms
HACEK Haem. Actinobacillus Cardiobacterium hominis Eikenella Kingella kingae (others = Enterococci, Fungi, coxiella)
Signs and Symptoms
Fever, wt. loss, fatigue, night sweats
Heart failure, heart murmur
Splenomegaly, skin petechiae
Splinter and conjunctival hemorrhages
Biggest Sx for IE
Fever and murmur (louder)
Oslers nodes
Painful Subq nodules on the pulp of fingers and toes
Vasulitis due to immune mediated complexes
Janeway lesions
Palms and soles of feet
variable size and shape
Days to weeks
Which lesion is positive for culture
Janeway lesions
Histology of oslers and janeway
Janeway = septic microemboli Osler = Vasculitis
Three things Perivalvular abscess causes
Valve dysfunction
Heart block
Usually dont look for ____ in IE
EKG changes
unless heart block but this is late finding
Dx of IE
Modified Dukes criteria
2 Major
1 Major + 3 Minor
5 Minor
Major criteria for IE
Lab evidence (2+ blood cultures, 1+ blood culture coxiella)
Endocardial involvement (TTE, TEE)
New Valvular regurgitataion
Minor criteria
Predisposing heart condition
Vascular Phenomenon (Emboli (Janeway), mycotic, aneurysm, hemorrhages)
Immunologic Phenom. (GN, Osler node, Rh factor)
Positive blood culture (but not one of the primary organisms for IE)