Infective endocarditis Flashcards
Which bacteria is the most commonly isolated from infective endocarditis in the US?
Staphylococcus aureus
What is the second most commonly isolated organism from IE?
Viridans strep
What is the third most common organism isolated from IE in the US?
Group D strep (enterococci)
How does Group D strep (enterococci) IE most often present?
Subacute IE
What is group D enterococci becoming resistant to?
Vancomycin (VRE: vancomycin-resistant enterococci)
Which cause of IE is frequently associated with colon cancer?
Strep. gallolyticus (aka S. bovis)
What is the most common cause of early prosthetic valve endocarditis (which organism)?
Coag negative staph (that is, staph that are not S. aureus)
Which species of coag negative staph is the most common cause of coag negative stah endocarditis?
Staph. epidermidis
When does Neisseria gonorrhea IE most often occur?
About 3 weeks after genital infection
Which demographics are Pseudomonas aeruginosa infections seen in most often?
IV drug users, people with prosthetic valves
Which organism can cause IE and is unculturable and found in homeless people?
Bartonella spp.
What is the most common cause of gram-negative IE? (I.e. which organism(s))
HACEK group (all gram negative)
Actinobacillus (formerly aggregatibacter)
Which demographics are fungal IEs seen in?
IV drug users, people with indwelling lines
Which organism is the most common cause of fungal endocarditis?
Candida albicans
What are the most common fungi seen in fungal IE associated wtih IV drug use?
Candida parapsilosis, C. tropicalis