Infective Endocarditis Flashcards
What symptom and sign should make you think f infective endocarditis immediately?
Fever + new murmur
Acute infective endocarditis usually occurs on abnormal valves. TRUE/FALSE?
Acute = normal valves
- normally caused by staph aureus infection
- skin breach => IV lines, wounds
- renal failure
- immunosuppression
- diabetes
SUBACUTE = abnormal valves
Risk factors include:
Pre-existing aortic/mitral disease
Tricuspid in IVDU
coarctation of aorta
Prosthetic valves
Name 3 common organisms which cause IE
Strep viridans
Staph aureus
Strep Bovis (assoc with colon ca)
Coxiella burnetti
Name the rare HACEK organisms which can cause IE
H - haemophilus
A - actinobacillus
C - Cardiobacterium
E - Eikenella
K - Kingella
**note all Gm -ve
What other organisms can cause IE, particularly in immunocompromised patients, those with prosthetic valves or IVDUs?
RARE - diptheroids, chlamydia
FUNGAL - candida, aspergillus, histoplasma
Non-cardiac signs of IE on examination
night sweats
weight loss
Cardiac signs of IE on examination
New murmur/changed murmur
What complication of IE can lead to AV Block?
Aortic root abscess
this may >PR interval leading to AV block
What signs of IE indicate immune complex deposition?
Vasculitis rash
Microscopic haematuria
ROTH spots - retinal haemorrhages
Splinter haemorrhages
OSLERS Nodes - painful pulp infarcts on fingers/toes
Name some signs of embolic phenomena associated with IE
Janeway lesions - painless palmar/plantar macules
Emboli may also cause absecssses to develop in other organs
Describe the MAJOR and MINOR DUKE criteria used to diagnose IE
- 2 positive blood cultures
- Positive ECHO
- predisposition (cardiac lesion, IVDU)
- Fever
- immunological signs
- vascular signs
- positive blood culture not meeting major criteria
How many MAJOR and MINOR DUKE criteria do you need for a diagnosis of IE
2 Major + 0 Minor
1 Major + 3 Minor
0 Major + 5 Minor
What types of IE require more intense Abx regimes?
Prosthetic valves (different abx on guidance)
HACEK organisms - 4 weeks ceftriaxone
When is surgery indicated in IE?
- causing heart failure
- valve obstruction
- repeated emboli
- fungal infection
- persistent bacteraemia
- myocardial abscess
- unstable prosthetic valve infected