Infectious Lung Diseases: TB, Pertussis, Croup, Epiglottitis Flashcards
TB Infection v. TB Disease
- TB Infection:
- Eaiser to treat than Dz
- People can get this with NO presentation
- Infection….Latency… Disease!
- Disease:
- Bacteria overcome the Immune System, mutiply & progress from latent infection to DISEASE
- Some symptoms:
- Weight loss, Loss of Appetite, Fatigue, Chills, Fever
A Quick History
- Has affected humans for millennia
- Historic names:
- Consumption
- Wasting Disease
- White Plague
- Used to cause many deaths, not well-controlled
- Before 1800’s, thought was hereditary
- 1882- R. Koch disovered M. tuberculosis
- Before Abx, many sent to locations where they were isolated
- Provided with: open air, bed rest, sunshine
- Lots of people could not afford this
- 70-75% fatalities in the “olden days”
- As drugs were created, death rates dropped
- Sanatoriums closed by mid-1970’s
Drugs created in the 1940’s & 50’s
- 1943: Streptomycin
- 1943-1952:
- Isonizaid (INH)*
- p-aminosalicylic acid (PAS)
*Same drug formula used today!!
Why was there a resurgence in 1980’s?
- Inadequate funding
- HIV epidemic
- Increase immigration from countries were TB is common
- Spread in close-quarters (shelters)
- Multi-drug resistant TB increase and spread
*Still a global issue!
‘The study of the distribution & causes of disease and other health problems in different groups of people”
- One of the leading causes of death due to infectious disease in the world
- ~2 Billion people are Infected!
- About 9 million people develop TB/year
– About 2 million people die of TB/year
Trend in the U.S.
- Before 1953, more than 84,000 cases in US
- Declined by 6%/year after 1953
- Reached a low in 1985, but then picked up again in 1986…
“Transmission is defined as the spread of an organism, such as M. Tuberculosis from one person to another”
- There are several type of Mycobacteria that cause TB
- M. tuberculosis is the most common
- Some others: M. bovis, M. africanum, M. microti, M. canetti
***M. avium complex DOES NOT caused TB
Air Droplet Nuclei - spread person-to-person
- The other person inhales the nuclei and BAM!
- Can catch it from:
- Coughing
- Sneezing
- Speaking
- Singing…
Probability of Transmission
- Chance of Transmission depends on:
- Infectiousness of person w/ TB dz
- Enviroment in which exposure occured
- Blewett 15… no good.
- Length of Exposure
- Virulence (strength) of tubercle bacilli
How to stop transmission!
- Isolate the infected person(s)
- Negative pressure room in hosp.
- Provide effective treatment to infectious persons ASAP
High Risk Groups
@ High Risk for Becoming Infected
- Close contacts
- Foreign born
- Low-income & homeless
- Healthcare workers serving high-risk groups
- Racial and ethnic minorities
- Infants, children, & adolescents
- Injectable drug users
High Risk Groups
People at High Risk for developing TB Dz after Infection!!!
- People living with HIV
- W/ medical condition that increases the risk
- Those infected w/ M. tuberculosis w/in past 2 years
- Ages 4+ younger
- Injectable drug users
High Risk Groups
People Living with HIV
- HIV is the Strongest known risk factor for developing the disease
- TB is the Leading Cause of Death for those w/ HIV/AIDs
High Risk Groups
People with Certain Medical Conditions
- Prolonged therapy w/ corticosteroids & other immunosuppresive therapy
- ex: TNF-a antagonists
- Silicosis
- Diabetes