Infectious Diseases Flashcards
A Febrile Child is classed as a temperature over 37.5 degrees. How is temperature measured in Children?
<4 weeks - Electronic Thermometer in Axillary
4 weeks to 5 years - electronic thermometer in Axillary or tympanic thermometer
(Note: Axillary underestimates by 0.5 degrees)
What is your first thought if the Febrile Child is under 3 months?
Infection is likely bacterial as infants are relatively protected against viral infection in first few months due to passive immunity
Start sepsis screen and empirical antibiotics
What is in a Sepsis Screen?
Blood Culture
Urine Sample
Consider other investigations depending on PC
Give four red flags in a Febrile Child
Fever >38 (<3 months) or >39 (3 to 6 months)
Reduced level of consciousness
Bilious Vomiting
Severe Dehydration
How should you treat the severely unwell febrile child?
IV Abx (Broad Spectrum + Ampicillin if less than one month to cover for Listeria)
Define Shock
Circulation is inadequate to meet metabolic demands of the tissue
Why are children more succeptible to shock?
Higher surface area to volume ratio
Higher Basal Metabolic Rate
How does early (compensated) shock present?
Tachypnoea and Tachycardia
Cold Peripheries
Sunken Eyes and Fontanelle
Decreased Urine Output
How does late (decompensated) shock present?
Acidotic (Kussmaul breathing) Bradycardia Confusion Absent UO Hypotension
How is Shock managed?
Fluid rescucitation (0.9% NaCl 20ml/kg)
Trachea intubation
Inotropic support
Renal support
Scarlet Fever is infection with Group A Strep. How does it present?
Fine papular rash on flushed skin (sandpaper texture)
Associated sore throat, strawberry tongue, lymphadenopathy
How is Scarlet Fever managed?
Notify PHE
Penicillin V
Parvovirus is also known as Erythema Infectiosum. How does it present?
Slapped cheek rash appearance
3-7 days prodrome
Evanescent rash for weeks
How is Parvovirus managed?
Supportive unless neonate (IVIG)
Roseola Infantum is infection with Human Herpes 6 Virus. How does it present?
Temperature for 3 days that improves with appearance of rash
Maculopapular rash
What causes Lyme Disease?
Tick Bites (Spirochaete Borrelia Burgdorfen)
Describe the rash associated with Lyme Disease
Erythema migrans
Painless, non pruritic, circular lesions often with central clearing (target)
What is associated with Lyme Disease?
Localised - fever, headache, myalgia
Disseminated - Meningitis, Facial Nerve Palsy
Late - Large joint arthritis
How is Lyme disease investigated?
Localised - clinical diagnosis
Disseminated - ELISA
How is Lyme Disease managed?
<8 years Amoxicillin
> 8 years Doxycycline
For 2-3 weeks
Another cause of acute rash is Infectious Mononucleosis, how does this present?
Maculopapular rash (esp if treated with Amoxicillin)
Associated - flu like, exudate day pharyngitis, lymphadenopathy
Candidiasis is the most common opportunistic fungal infection. Who is most at risk?
Limited almost entirely to neonates
Children with primary/secondary immunodeficiency
How does Candidiasis present in the different areas?
Skin - ‘Diaper Dermatitis’, moist skin folds Nails - Paronychia Mucous Membranes - Oral Candidiasis Genitals - Thrush, Balanitis Systemic if immunocompromised
What can predispose children to Oral Candidiasis?
Inhaled Steroids
How is Candidiasis investigated?
Fungal Culture Swabs
Look for source
How is Candidiasis managed?
Azoles for immunocompetent
Amphiterecin for immunocompromised
Prevention with infection control measures and prophylaxis with azoles to high risk groups
Define Cellulitis
Infection of the dermis and deep subcutaneous tissue with poorly demarcated borders
(As opposed to Erysipelas which is more superficial with sharply demarcated borders)
Name four organisms commonly causing Cellulitis
Streptococcus Pyogenes
Streptococcus Pneumoniae
Staphylococcus Aureus
Give three red flags for Cellulitis
How would you investigate Cellulitis?
Skin and swab culture
How should Cellulitis be managed?
Supportive (rest, elevation, analgesia)
How can Conjunctivitis be classified?
Viral Conjunctivitis is highly contagious, give two examples of causative organisms
Herpes Simplex
Bacterial Conjunctivitis is the most common form in children. Name four common causative organisms.
Haemophilia Influenza
Staphylococcus Aureus
Moraxella Catarrhalis
Strep Pneumoniae
How does Bacterial Conjunctivitis present?
Bilateral red eye with irritation/grittiness/discomfort
Mucopurlent discharge sticking lashes together
Oedema of lids/conjunctiva
How does Viral Conjunctivitis present?
Bilateral red eye with irritation/grittiness/discomfort Sore Watery discharge History of URTI Preauricular lymphadenopathy
How does Allergic Conjunctivitis present?
Bilateral symptoms
Watery discharge
Oedema of eyelids
What signs of conjunctivitis can be seen OE?
Conjunctival oedema and dilated conjunctival vessels Conjunctival Follicles (white nodules on inferior eyelid) Conjunctival Papillae (Red dots of varying size on inferior eyelids - cobblestone)
How is Conjunctivitis investigated?
May just be a clinical diagnosis
Swab if in doubt
Fluorosceine 0.25% drops for corneal ulcer
How should Bacterial Conjunctivitis be managed?
Self limiting
If persisting for >2 weeks then Chloramphenicol eye drops
How should Viral Conjunctivitis be managed?
Self resolving
Wash hands frequently
Use separate towels
Consider topical steroids
How should Allergic Conjunctivitis be managed?
Remove allergen
Cold Compress
What are Neonatal ‘Sticky Eyes’?
Common, beginning on day 3/4 of life
Only require washing with Saline/Water
How should you manage a Neonatal red eye?
Treat as bacterial conjunctivitis and refer urgently to ophthalmologist
How should you manage a purulent eye within the first 48h of life?
Gram stain and culture discharge
Treat with IV Cefotaxime (Risk of permanent loss of vision, likely Gonococcal)
How should you manage eye discharge occuring in first two weeks of life?
Immunoflourorescent staining
Likely Chlamydia
Treat with Azithromycin Eye Drops and Oral Erythromycin
Define Epiglottitis
Inflammation and swelling of epiglottis caused by infection
Normally infection with HiB, but can be Staph Aureus or Staph Saprophyticus
Can also be non infectious - thermal (steam), foreign bodies, trauma
Give 6 clinical features of Epiglottitis
Sore Throat Stridor Drooling Tripod Position Fever Muffled Voice
How is Epiglottitis investigated?
Don’t without sufficient airway management capabilities
Lateral X-ray Neck - Thumbprint
Fibre optic Laryngoscopy in operating theatre setting
How would you manage Epiglottitis ?
Don’t distress the patient
Involve Senior Paediatrician and Anaesthetist
Be prepared to intubate
IV Ceftriaxone and Dexamethasone
What is the main complication of Epiglottitis?
Epiglottic Abscess
Treated the same as Epiglottitis
What are the different types of Influenza?
Influenza A - most commonly, characterised by haemagglutinin and neuraminidase
Influenza B - Less severe
Influenza C - akin to common cold
Paediatric Influenza can present atypically. How could it present in babies?
Reduced tone
Poor feeding
Paediatric Influenza can present atypically. How could it present in younger children?
Haematemesis Photophobia Chest Pain Apnoea Rigors
Drowsiness in 50% of under 4s
The management is mainly supportive for Influenza. State two important points.
Avoid Aspirin in <16y (Reyes Syndrome)
If at risk then offer Oseltamivir
State three complications of Influenza
Secondary Bacterial Pneumonia
Otitis Media
What is the route of infection with Herpes Simplex Virus?
Through mucous membranes/skin
What are the two types of Herpes Simplex Virus?
HSV1 - associated with lip and skin lesions
HSV2 - more commonly genital lesions
HSV infection is mostly asymptomatic, but can present as Gingivostomatitis, describe this.
Most common form in children
Vesicular lesions on lips, gums, anterior tongue surface, hard palate
Progresses to extensive painful bleeding and ulceration
Describe three skin manifestations of HSV
Cold Sores - Recurrent HSV lesions on gingival/lip lesions
Eczema Herpeticum - Widespread vesicular lesions on eczematous skin, can get secondary bacterial
Herpetic Whitlows - Painful erythematous oedematous white pustules on broken skin
Describe Disseminated HSV infection in immunocompetent
Cutaneous lesions may spread to involve distant sites (Oesophagitis, Proctitis)
Can cause pneumonia
Describe Disseminated HSV infection in Neonates
More common in preterm, often through vaginal canal transmission
Can cause encephalitis or localised lesions
HSV can be diagnosed with a swab, how should symptomatic patients be managed?
State three subtypes of Malaria and describe the pathophysiology
Falciparum, Vivax, Ovale
Spread by female anopheles mosquito, causing release of sporozoites into blood which travel to become merozoites in liver
Reproduce in RBC every 48h causing Haemolytic Anaemia
How do Neonates with Malaria present?
If occurring within 7 days implies trans placental transmission
Fever, Irritable, Refusing feeds, Anaemia, Jaundice
How do young children with malaria present?
Present the same as any febrile illness (so investigate if any recent travel to endemic area)
Restless, Drowsy, Apathetic
Describe three possible investigations for Malaria
Blood Film
LP (if Seizing)
Dipstick for Plasmodium Falciparum
Describe the use of a blood film for the diagnosis of Malaria
3 samples sent over 3 days
Thick and thin
Giemsa staining destroys erythrocytes, showing parasites and leukocytes
Ear Lobe/Finger prick/Big toe
If uncomplicated Malaria, how should it be managed?
1) Riamet
2) Malarine
3) Quinine Sulphate
4) Doxycycline
How is Severe (Falciparum)/Complicated Malaria managed?
1) Artesunate
2) Quinine Dihydrochloride
Should be admitted as they can deteriorate quickly
Malaria can be prevented using mosquito spray/nets and antimalarials. State three antimalarials.
Malarone (daily 2d before, during and one week after)
Mefloquine (once weekly 2w before, during and for four weeks after)
State three complications of Malaria
Reduced Consciousness
Define Measles
Notifibable infection caused by single stranded RNA Morbillivirus
One of the most contagious infectious diseases
How is Measles transmitted?
Transmission is air borne via respiratory droplets (but can remain on surfaces for two hours)
Person is infectious from first onset of symptoms to four days after rash
Describe the prodromal phase of Measles
Lasts 2-4 days
Fever, cough, runny nose, mild conjunctivitis, diarrhoea
Kopliks (small red spots with white spot on buccal mucosa)
Describe the characteristic rash of Measles
Initially on forehead and neck, then spreading to involve trunk and limbs
Rash fades 3-4 days later in order of appearance, leaving discolouration behind
How is Measles investigated?
Salivary swab/serum sample for measles specific IgM within 6 months of onset
RNA defection in salivary swabs
How is Measles managed?
Self limiting and supportive
Notifiable disease
PEP can be given within 72h of exposure
State two respiratory complications of Measles
Giant Cell Pneumonitis
State two neurological complications of Measles
Acute demyelinating encephalitis (fluctuating consciousness progressing to coma)
Subacute Sclerosing Panencephalitis (5-10 years later, results in rigidity and death)