Infectious Disease Flashcards
- women infected younger than men, 76% men (exposed via MSM, IVDU, heterosexual contact, MSM + IVDU)
- transmission: blood-blood
- RF: sex w/ infected person, IV exposure to infected blood by transfusion or needle sharing, perinatal exposure
- sxs: asx (mean 10y); primary HIV infxn → fever, night sweats, wt loss, skin lesions, pharyngitis, swollen lymph nodes → lasts days-weeks)
- signs: hair leukoplakia, dissem kaposi sarcoma, cutaneous bacillary angiomatosis, gen LAD
- dx: HIV ELISA, western blot (confirmatory), HIV rapid Ab test, CBC (anem, neutropen, thrombocytopen), absolute CD4 (monitor q3-6mos), CD4 %, viral load, CXR, blood cx if fever, crytococcal Ag, sinus CT or XR
- tx: start tx regardless of CD4 and perform resistance testing prior to ART initiation; primary goal is complete suppression of replication; combo tx w/ at least 3 meds
- coccidioidomycosis, enceph, histoplasmosis, isosporiasis with D >1mo, kaposi, lymphoma of brain, non-hodgkin lymphoma of B cell, MAC, extrapulm TB, salmonella septicemia, HIV wasting syndrome, pulm TB, recurrent PNA, invasive cervical CA
- dx: HIV serology +, CD4 count <200cells or <14%
lyme disease
- northeastern (main-maryland), midwest, west coast; incubation = 3-32d
- transmission: ticks, mice, deer; caused by Borrelia burgdorferi
- stage 1: erythema chronicum migrans (hallmark) → large, painless, well-demarcated target shaped lesion on trunk, thigh, groin, axilla
- stage 2: disseminated, flu like sxs (HA, stiff neck, fever/chills, fatigue, malaise, myalgias); after a few weeks → meningitis, encephalitis, cranial neruitis, peripheral radiculoneruopathy, bell palsy; within wks to mos → AV block, pericarditis, carditis
- stage 3: late, persistent; arthritis large jnts, chronic CNS dz, mild enceph, transverse myelitis, axonal polyneuropathy, acrodermatitis chronica atrophicans (reddish-purple plaques and nodules on extensor surfaces of legs)
- clinical dx: ELISA in 1st mo, western blot to confirm
- tx: early disease, localized → 10d abx; if beyond skin, PO doxy x21d (amox and ceguroxime are alternatives)
mononucleosis (what do you not give)
- caused by epstein-barr virus (rarely CMV), adolescents, college students, or military recruit
- transmisison: saliva, 90% adults infected previously are carriers, lifelong immunity w/ 1 infxn
- sxs: fever, LAD, pharyngitis → fever resolves in 2 wks, sore throat, malaise, myalgias, weakness
- signs: LAD, posterior cervical, tonsillar, enlarged, painful, tender; pharyngeal erythema and/or exudate, splenomegaly, maculopapular rash, hepatomeg, palatal petechiae and periorbital edema
- dx: monospot, WBC count with diff, transaminitis, EBV specific Ab, peripheral smear shows lymphocytic leukocytoisis with large, atypical lymphocytes
- tx: supportive, short course steroids, avoid sports 3-4wks (SPLENIC RUPTURE)
- complicaitons: hep, meningoencephalitis, Guillain Barre, splenic rupture, thrombocytopenia, URTI
- DONT GIVE AMOX or AMP → can cause maculopap rash
- orthomyxovirus
- transmission: resp droplets, winter months
- sxs: rapid onset of fever, chills, malaise, myalgia (legs or lumbosacral area), fever, HA (generalized or frontal), nonproductive cough (may last more than 1 wk), ocular signs/sxs (pain w/ motion of eyes, photophob, bruning of eyes), sore throat, +/-N
- signs: cervical LAD, rhonchi, wheezes, scattered rales
- dx: RT-PCR = most sensitive and specific (can differentiate subtypes and detect avian flu
- tx: supportive care (tylenol or NSAIDs . for HA, myalgias, fever; no cough suppressants, neruaminidase inhib: zanamivir or oseltamivir for flu type A and B → reduces sxs by 1-1.5d if started w/in 2 days of onset
Chlamydia etiology and sxs
- Most common bacterial STD
- RF: lack of condom use, lower socioeconomic status, living in an urban area, having multiple sex partners
- most common in F 15-19, then 20-24
- independent risk factor for cervical cancer
- Sxs:
- men: dysuria, purulent urethral discharge, itching, scrotal pain and swelling, fever
- women: puruelnt urethral discharge, intermenstrual or post-coital bleeding, dysuria
- mucopurulent discharge from cervical os, friable cervix
chlamydia diagnostics and tx
- Tx: NAAT, wet mount (leukorrhea >10 WBC), culture, enzyme immunoassay, PCR
Gonorrhea etiology and sxs
- transmitted sexually or neonatally
- 30% coinfected with chlamydia
- Sxs: asymptomatic in women, symptomatic in men
- Cervicitis or urethritis (purulent discharge, dysuria, intermenstrual bleeding)
- Disseminated: fever, arthralgias, tenosynovitis, septic arthritis, endocarditis, meningitis, skin rash (distal extremities)
Gonorrhea dx and tx
- dx: NAAT, gram stain (leukocytes, gram neg intracell. diplococci), cultures (men from urethra, women from endocervix)
- tx: tx empirically because cultures take 1-2d
- Ceftriaxone x1, add Azithromycin or doxy to cover chlamydia
- if disseminated, hospitalize and IV or IM ceftriaxone
- Complications of dz: PID, infertility, epididymitis, prostatitis, salpingitis, tubo-ovarian abscess, Fitz-Hugh-Curtis syndrome
Herpes simplex virus (herpes labialis), HSV-1
- transmission: kissing, resides in trigeminal ganglion
- signs and sxs: fever, malaise, vesiculopustular oral lesions in groups
- herpes labialis (cold sores): most common on lips, painful, heal in 2-6 wks
- bell palsy
- herpetic whitlow
- dx: clinical dx with lesions dewdrop on a rose petal
- tzanck smear - multinucleated giant cells
- culture of HSV
- tx: acyclovir
- complications: herpes encephalitis, HSV keratitis
Genital herpes, HSV-2
- resides in sacral ganglion
- prior HSV-1 infxn confers partial immunty to HSV2
- signs and sxs: severe, prolonged sxs
- fever, HA, malaise
- painful vesicles on genitals (itching, dysuria, multiple, bilateral)
- tender inguinal lymph nodes
- dx: HSV1 and HSV2 Ab negative
- PCR, culture if active lesion present
- tx: acyclovir, sitz baths, topical xylocaine
- complications: aseptic meningitis, keratitis, blepharitis, keratoconjunctivitis
- C section recommended for pregnant women with active infxn
- 2nd MCC vaginitis
- RF: high dose OCP, diaphragm use, DM, abx, pregnant, immune suppression, tight clothes
- signs, sxs: vulvar or vag itching, burning, external dysuria, dyspareunia, odorless thick cottage cheese curd-like d/c
- erythema of vulva, excoriations from scratching
- dx: wet mount - budding yeast
- gram stain - pseudohyphae
- vaginal culture (+) for yeast
- pH <4.7 (acidic)
- tx: fluconazole 150 PO once
- tx uncircumcised partners
- short-course topical azole
- recurrent: weekly topical /PO
- resistant: boric acid TID x7d
primary, secondary, latent, and tertiary syphilis
- Primary:
- chancre - painless, clean base, 3-4wk after exposure, heals in 14wk w/o light tx, HIGHLY INFXS
- inguinal lymphadenopathy
- Secondary:
- flu-like (HA, fever, sore throat, malaise)
- 4-8 wks after chancre heals, maculopapular rash
- aseptic meningitis
- 1/3 develop latent syphilis
- Latent:
- serological test in absence of clinical sxs
- 2/3 remain asymptomatic
- “early latent” = if serology + for <1 y, may relapse to secondary
- “late latent” = if serology + for >1y, patients are contagious
- Tertiary:
- years after primary infxn
- neurosyphilis, CV syphilis, gummas
- neurosyph: dementia, personality changes, tabes dorsalis (post column degen, loss of corrdination of mvmt)
- rare d/t tx with PCN
Syphilis dx and tx
- Dark field microscopy (GOLD STANDARD)
- Serologic tests (MC)
- Non-treponemal tests: RPR, VDRL
- Treponemal tests: FTA-ABS, MHA-TP
- if FTA-ABS +, check for CSF-FTA-ABS
- test all pts for HIV
- Tx: PCN G (one dse IM)
- doxy and tetra x2wks if PCN allergy
- latent or tertiary: PCN x3 doses IM (1 wk apart)
- neurosyph: IV PCN x 10-14d
- repeat nontreponemal tests q3 mos
- Jarisch-Herxheimer rxn can occur w/ sudden massive destruction of spirochetes - prevent by administering antipyretics during first 24h of tx
- Report to public health agency
Crytosporidiosis, Amebiasis, Giardiasis
- Crytposporidiosis: spore-forming protozoa
- Trans: fecal-oral
- sxs: watery D
- dx: stool sample (oocytes)
- tx: supportive
- Amebiasis: Entamoeba histolytica (protozoa)
- trans: fecal-oral, food/H2O, anal-oral
- sxs: bloody D, tenesmus, abd pain, +/- liver abscess
- dx: stool sample (trophozoites)
- tx: Iodoquinol or paromomycin, Flagyl for liver abscess
- Giardiasis: Giardia lamblia (protozoa)
- Trans: fecal-oral, food/H2O, anal-oral
- Incubation: 1-3wk“foul smelling D”
- sxs: fatty D, D w/ cramps, N, malaise, anorexia, flatulence, bloating
- hx: daycare, recent camping trip, watery D, chonic infxn w/ wt loss
- dx: stool sample (cysts or trophozoites)
- tx: supportive, abx (tinidazole, nitaxonide, Flagyl (metro))
Roundworm, Hookworm, Pinworm
- Roundworm (ascariasis; nematode)
- trans: fecal-oral
- sxs: asx, if sx - PP abd pain, V (associated = bowel, panc duct, or CBD obstruction if heavy worm burden)
- dx: stool sample (eggs or adult worms)
- tx: albendazole, mebendazole, pyrantel pamoate
- Hookworm (Necator americanus)
- trans: larvae enter skin → lungs → cough, swallow → reside in intestine
- sxs: asx, if sx - cough
- signs: malabs/wt loss, eosinophilia, anemia
- dx: stool sample (adult worms)
- tx: mebendazole or pyrantel pamoate
- Pinworm (Enterobius vermicularis)
- trans: fecal-oral (children)
- sxs: perianal pruritus, worse at night
- dx: “tape test” on anus (eggs on tape)
- tx: mebendazole or pyrantel pamoate