Infectious Disease 4: Opportunistic Infections Flashcards
When do opportunistic infections occur?
- Predisposed immunocompromised patients
- Immune system is weak & unable to normally respond to bacteria, fungi, viruses, & protozoa
RxPrep p 403
What patient factors are categorized as immunocompromised states?
- Diseases - HIV with CD4 < 200
- Steroid use for 14+ days at prednisone dose of 20 mg/day or 2 mg/kg/day
- Asplenia (dysfunctional spleen) - sickle cell disease or splenectomy
- Immunosuppressant use (TNF-alpha inhibitors)
- Chemotherapy agents - cause severe neutropenia, ANC < 500
RxPrep p 403
What common OIs require primary chemoprophylaxis?
- Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia (PJP, PCP)
- Toxoplasmosis gondii encephalitis
- Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC)
RxPrep p 404
True / False
Is chemoprophylaxis recommended for Candida infections, like thrush?
False - not usually recommended
RxPrep p 404
Chemoprophylaxis Regimens in HIV
Initiation Criteria, Regimens, & Discontinuing Criteria
- CD4 < 200
- Preferred: Bactrim DS daily
- Alternatives: Dapsone, or Atovaquone, or Dapsone + Pyrimethamine + Leucovorin (DPL)
- D/C when CD4 > 200 for > 3 mo on ART
RxPrep p 404
Chemoprophylaxis Regimens in HIV
Toxoplasma gondii Encephalitis
Initiation Criteria, Regimens, & Discontinuing Criteria
- CD4 < 100
- Preferred: Bactrim DS daily
- Alternatives: Atovaquone, or Dapsone + Pyrimethamine + Leucovorin (DPL)
- D/C when CD4 > 200 for > 3 mo on ART
RxPrep p 404
Chemoprophylaxis Regimens in HIV
Initiation Criteria, Regimen, & Discontinuing Criteria
- NOT on ART & CD4 < 50
- Azithromycin 1200mg weekly
- D/C when taking full suppressive ART
RxPrep p 404
Chemoprophylaxis Regimens in HIV
Patient has a sulfa allergy.
What alternative regimens should be considered?
Bactrim was the preferred regimen
Atovaquone, Dapsone, & Pentamidine
Inhaled Pentamidine is an alternative option for PJP/PCP
RxPrep p 404
Chemoprophylaxis Regimens in HIV
Patient has a G6PD deficiency.
What alternative regimens should be considered?
Bactrim was the preferred regimen
Atovaquone & Pentamidine
Inhaled pentamidine is an alternative option for PJP/PCP
RxPrep p 404
Chemoprophylaxis Regimens in HIV
Why is leucovorin added to pyrimethamine containing regimens?
PJP/PCP & Toxoplasma gondii Encephalitis
Rescue therapy to reduce the risk of pyrimethamine-induced myelosuppression
RxPrep p 404
Treatment of OIs
After completing initial treatment, is secondary prophylaxis recommended?
Why or why not?
Secondary prophylaxis given to prevent recurrence of the infection
RxPrep p 405
Treatment of OIs
Patient with HIV+ has thrush.
Is systemic or localized treatment preferred?
Is secondary prophylaxis recommended after treatment?
Systemic treatment w/ NO secondary prophylaxis
Fluconazole»_space;> localized agents (clotrimazole, miconazole, nystatin)
RxPrep p 405
Treatment of OIs
Candidiasis thrush (oropharyngeal/esophageal)
Presentation & Regimens
- White film in the mouth/throat
- Preferred regimen: Fluconazole
- Alternative for oropharyngeal: itraconazole or topicals
- Alternative for esophageal: voriconazole or caspofungin
Secondary Prophylaxis NOT recommended!
RxPrep p 405
Treatment of OIs
Cryptococcal meningitis
- Preferred: Amphotericin B + Flucytosine
- Alternative: Fluconazole substituted for Ampho B or Flucytosine
Fluconazole + Flucytosine or Fluconazole + Amphotericin B
RxPrep p 405
Treatment of OIs
Cytomegalovirus (CMV)
- Valganciclovir or Ganciclovir
- Alternative (refractory): Foscarnet or Cidofovir
No secondary prophylaxis if CD4 > 100 maintained
RxPrep p 405
Treatment of OIs
Mycobacterium avium complex (MAC)
Macrolide (Clarithromycin or Zithromax) + Ethambutol
RxPrep p 405
Treatment of OIs
Pneumocystis jirovecii Pneumonia (PJP or PCP)
- Bactrim +/- prednisone or methylprednisolone x 21 days
- Alternatives: Atovaquone or Pentamidine IV
Alternatives commonly used in Sulfa allergy or G6PD deficiency
RxPrep p 405
Treatment of OIs
Toxoplasmosis gondii Encephalitis
Environmental Risk Factors & Regimens
- Undercooked/raw meat or cat feces/litter
- Preferred: Pyrimethamine + Leucovorin + Sulfadiazine (PLS)
- Alternative: Bactrim
RxPrep p 405