Intact corneas can be invaded by what type of organisms?
- Corynebacterium Diphtheria
- Neisseria Gonorrhoeae
- Neisseria Meningitidis
- Haemophilus influenzae
- Listeria
Pneumonic: Canadian National Hockey League (CNHL)
what is the most common bacterias to invade compromised corneas?
- Pseudomonas aeruginosa (gram -) – 60% of CL related ulcers!
- Staphylococcus aureus (gram +)
- Streptococci (gram +)
what is bacterial keratitis?
- It is a serious, sight-threatening bacterial infection that tends to develop in pts with intact or compromised corneal surface
what are the most likely bacteria to be involved compromised cornea?
- staph aureus (+)
- staph epidermidis (+)
- strep pneumoniae (+)
- pseudomonas aeruginosa (-)
- haemophilus influenzae
general symptoms of all infectious keratitis?
3 P’s:
* pain
* photophobia
* purulent discharge
signs for a bacterial keratitis?
- Well-defined corneal opacity which may be either to an infiltrate or an ulcer.
- Corneal edema
- Severe conjunctival injection
- Chemosis and eyelid edema
- AC cells & flare –> may develop a hypopyon.
- Perforation –> depending if not tx.
w/u for bacterial keratitis?
- Gram stain (smear) – test for bacteria
- Chocolate agar plate – test for Haemophilus & Neisseria
- Thioglycolate culture broth / or blood agar plate – test for aerobic & anerobic bacteria
tx for bacterial keratitis?
always tx ulcers & infiltrate as bacterial unless there is high suspicioun of a different etiology.
* topical ABx – Ciprofloxacin, ofloxacin, Levofloxacin are FDA approved for this - 2 gtts every 15min x 6hrs –> then 2 gtts every 30min for 18hrs –> then taper.
* topical cycloplegic– comfort & to prevent formation of synechiae.
* topical steroid – once infx is under control to reduce inflammation & scarring.
* F/U next day –> then 3 days –> then 5 days.
what is fungal keratitis?
fungal infection that causes keratitis.
how does someone get fungal keratitis?
- trauma involving vegatative matter (plant/tree/fingernails)
what are the 3 offending fungal agents in fungal keratitis?
- Candida (yeast) – often occur in eyes with chronic corneal disease (chronic dry eye, HSV, exposure keratopathy) or in immunocompromised pts.
- Aspergillus (filamentous)
- Fusarium (filamentous)
Aspergillus & Fusarium are common after vegetative matter.
w/u for fungal keratitis?
- Sabouraud’s agar – test for fungi
- KOH / or Giemsa stain – test for fungi/yeast
tx for fungal keratitis?
Topical or systemic antifungal
* Topical Natamycin (gtts) – 1st line
* Fluconazole (po)
* Voriconazole (po)
Topical cycloplegic:
* for comfort.
what is acanthamoeba keratitis? how does someone get it?
Rare, parasitic infection associated w/ inadequate contact lens hygiene (tap water use, swimming in CL at lakes or pools).
what is the offending agent in acanthamoeba keratitis?
where is acanthamoeba found?
soil, water, oral cavity of humans
additional symptoms of acanthamoeba keratitis?
- pain will be far more severe than signs.
signs for acanthamoeba keratitis?
* Small punctate or pseudo-dendritic epithelial defects (may confuse w/ HSV) – pain that does not match defect.
* Radial Keratoneuritis (inflammation of corneal nerves)
* Patchy anterior stomal infiltrates - gradually progress to ring-like stromal infiltrate.
w/u for acanthamoeba keratitis?
- Culture (gold standard) – Non-nutrient agar plate with heat-killed E.coli.
- Confocal microscopy –Appear as hyperreflective spherical cysts.
tx for acanthamoeba keratitis?
- hospitalized initially
- First line therapy – Chlorhexidine combined with Brolene 0.02% q1h x 2-3 days around the
clock then q1h while awake x 3 days then tapered to QID. - Second line therapy – PHMD 0.02% q1h x 2-3 days around the clock then q1h while awake x 3 days, then tapered to QID.
- topical cycloplegic & oral NSAID may be used for pain.
- f/u every 1-4 days then every 1-3 wks.
*** tx last 3-12 months!
what is herpes simplex keratitis? how is someone affected with it?
- infectious keratitis caused by DNA virus HSV1
- Virus transferred by direct contact w/ cold sores, saliva or fomites.
where does the HSV1 virus lay dormant?
- trigeminal ganglion
what is recurrent HSV?
it is reactivation of the latent infection in the trigeminal ganglion.
what causes reactivation of HSV?
Reactivation causes:
* physical or emotional stress.
* sun exposure
* fever
* immune system response to HSV.
what are symptoms of HSV1 keratitis?
- pain
- serous discharge
- photophobia
General signs (not based on classification type) of HSV1 keratitis?
- pustules on eyelids
- AC cells & flare
- KPs
- other signs are classified based on which layer it is found in the cornea.
what are the 4 classification of recurrent HSV?
- epithelial keratitis
- stromal keratitis
- disciform keratitis
- neurotrophic keratitis
what is HSV - epithelial keratitis?
direct invasion of corneal epithelial cells by HSV.
signs of HSV - epithelial keratitis?
- Dendritic ulcers – appear as linear branching with terminal bulbs. –> early in dz course dendrite may appear as PEE.
- Geographic ulcers – like dendritic ulcer but wider (no longer linear) in appearance associated with previous topical steroid use!
The edges of an HSV dendrite contain ____ ____ ____.
active viral cells
Edges of HSV dendritic ulcer will stain with ___ ___ and the center of the ulcer will stain with ___ ___.
rose bengal, sodium Fluorescein
what is HSV - Stromal keratitis?
It is an inflammatory response to viral replication w/in the stroma
signs of HSV - stromal keratitis?
Can present in 2 ways:
* Interstitial keratitis (IK) – characterized by an infiltrate with diffused neovascularization but no epithelial defect.
* Necrotizing keratitis – stromal infiltrate with overlying epithelial defect (ulcer) –> high risk of corneal melt.
what is HSV - disciform keratitis?
Secondary stromal edema due to an inflammatory response to viral antigen or live virus within the corneal endothelium.
signs of HSV - disiform keratitis?
- central, disc-shaped endothelial defect with stromal edema. — may have microcyst.
- may also have uveitis – overlying keratic precipitates (KPs) & AC rxn.
what is HSV - neurotrophic keratitis?
- Results from reduced corneal innervation and decreased tear secretion, leading to poor corneal wound healing.
signs of HSV - neurotrophic keratitis?
- decrease CN5 - V1 sensitivity.
- appears as an oval defect with smooth borders.
w/u for HSV-1?
corneal scraping to be evaluated with Giemsa Stain.
what stage is most severe in HSV keratitis?
stromal kertatitis –> leads to scarring or corneal melt.
tx/managment for HSV1 keratitis?
tx depends on the what classification:
* epithelial keratitis – oral antivirals; Acyclovir – 400mg po 5x/day x 7 days or Valacyclovir (valtrex) – 500mg po TID x 7 days or famiciclovir 250mg po TID x 7days.
Topical antivirals; ganciclovir (zirgen) 5x/day or Trifluridine (viroptic) 9x/day.
- stromal & disciform keratitis – topical steroid to reduce inflammation + oral antiviral + topical cycloplegic if uveitis.
- neurotrophic keratitis – PF ATs q1h, ATs oinment qhs, punctual plugs. Abx if corneal ulcer present.
- f/u one day
what is herpes zoster virus (HZV)
Viral infection caused by varicella zoster virus (VZV) – same virus that cause chickenpox.
where does HZV lay dormant?
dorsal root ganglion and other neural cell bodies.
what is recurrent HZV?
it is reactivation of the latent infection which manifest anywhere in the body but follows affected dermatomes.
When HZV reactivates along the ophthalmic branch (V1) of trigeminal nerve (CN5) it is called ___?
herpes zoster ophthalmicus (HZO).
HZO can involve any or all of V1 branches. If it involves frontal nerve of V1, what signs can be seen?
vesicles on forehead
HZO can involve any or all of V1 branches. If it involves nasociliary nerve of V1, what signs can be seen?
vesicles on tip of nose (hutchinson sign).
prodrome HZV signs?
Pre-zoster (prodrome) signs:
* Malaise
* Fever
* Fatigue
* Itching/burning skin
active HZO signs?
Hutchinson’s sign
Cornea involvement:
* Pseudo-dendritic keratitis – does not have terminall bulbs.
* interstitial keratitis – stromal infiltrate w/ vascularization but no epi defect.
* disciform keratitis – central, disc-shaped endothelial defect with stromal edema.
* neurotrophic keratitis – appears as an oval defect with smooth borders.
Exposure keratopathy
uveitis (iritis + AC rxn + KPs)
Posterior segment:
* Retinitis – can be acute retinal necrosis (ARN) - coalescent patches of retinal necrosis.
what does HZV pseudodendrite stain with?
rose bengal & do not stain with NaFl
what are post-zoster signs?
Characterized by post-herpetic neuralgia (PHN).
* pain, numbness, dysesthesia, allodynia persisting beyond 1 month after rash resolution.
tx/mangement of HZV?
tx depends on the what classification:
* epithelial keratitis – oral antivirals; Acyclovir – 800mg po 5x/day x 7 days or Valacyclovir (valtrex) – 1000mg po TID x 7 days or famiciclovir 500mg po TID x 7days.
- stromal & disciform keratitis – topical steroid to reduce inflammation + oral antiviral + topical cycloplegic if uveitis.
- neurotrophic keratitis – PF ATs q1h, ATs oinment qhs, punctual plugs. Abx if corneal ulcer present.
- f/u one day
Is staph marginal keratitis infectious or sterile?
What is staph marginal keratitis?
characterized by peripheral cornea stromal infiltration which are often associated with epithelium break down and ulceration.
what causes staph marginal keratitis?
- Inflammatory rxn against staphylococcal antigens (rather than a direct staph infection of the cornea) — triggers a type 3 hypersensitivity rxn.
what are symptoms of of staph marginal keratitis?
- photophobia
- pain
- Tearing
- Redness
signs of staph marginal keratitis?
- SEI’s at limbal margin – SEI’s can coalesce and spread circumferentially.
- Small epithelial defect (smaller than infiltrate) overlying infiltrate.
- Focal conjunctival hyperemia.
tx for staph marginal keratitis?
Lid hygiene and warm compresses.
Topical antibiotics
* Vigamox QID.
* Erythromycin ung qhs.
* Bacitracin ung.
Topical steroids
* Pred forte qid
* FML qid
* Lotemax QID
* Tobradex QID – react really well to it.