Infections of Reproductive System Flashcards
What is Bacterial Vaginosis?
- Thin, grey, white or green vaginal discharge
- Foul smelling ‘fishy’ odour
- Itching
- Dysuria
Caused by: Perturbed normal flora and anaerobes - after change in pH results in removal of protective lactobacilli
Diagnosed by: Clinically: Vaginal pH >5, KOH Whiff test.
Lab: High vaginal smear –> clue cells - (epithelial cells with gram -ve cococbacili)
Treatment: Metronidazole
What is Chlamydia?
Symptoms: -abnormal discharge, dysuria, dyspareunia, PID
bleeding between periods (80% and 50% of women and men asymptomatic)
Caused by: Chlamydia trochomatis (-ve) (Obligate intracellular bacterium - does not grow on normal lab media)
Pathogenesis: Elementary body (infective agent) Infects columnar epithelium, becomes reticular body - which multiplies and is released as elementary bodies –> released to neighbouring cells. Damages genito-urinary tract
Diagnosised by: endocervical, vulvo-vaginal swabs (f) and urethral swabs (m), urine sample (m,f)
Treatment; Doxycycline
What is genital herpes?
Symptoms: Painful extensive genital ulcers, fever, dysuria inguinal lymphadenopathy, fever
Caused by: HSV1/HSV2
Pathogenesis: HSV-1 and HSV-2 access body via mucosa membrane. Replicate in the stratified squamous epithelium –> taken up by ramifying unmyelineated sensory nerve fibres. Undergo retrograde micro-tubule associated transport to the neuronal cell bodies in the dorsal root ganglia where acute infection is followed by lifelong latent infection.
Virus remains in dormant state within DRG.
Periodically virus becomes reactivated –> travels via anterograde microtubule transport back to epithelium of skin or mucosa –> replication occurs and virus is shed into genital or oral secretions.
Diagnosed by: smear and swab of vesicle fluid and/or base of ulcer –> send for viral PCR
Treatment: Symptomatic, Acyclovir
What are Genital Warts?
Symptoms: Benign painless, verrucous epithelial or mucosal outgrowths on penis, vulva, vagina, urethra, cervix, perianal skin. Can be in a group ‘cauliflower cluster’
Caused by: HPV
HPV invades basal layer of epidermis, penetrating skin and mucosal microabrasion in the genital.
A latency period of 3 weeks to 9months may ensue.
Following that period; viral DNA, capsids and particles are produced.
Infection stimulates cellular proliferation in the epithelium and infected cells display a broad range of spectrum of changes –> benign hyperplasia to dysplasia to invasive carcinoma
Treatment: Spontaneously go away. Cryotherapy, Intralesional interferon, Topical podophyllins, Surgery
What types of HPV are carcinogenic, which cancers are they associated with, and how do they cause cancer?
HPV16 and 18.
Cervical and anogenital cancers.
Over 50% of HPVs permenantly integrate into cells chromosomes.
‘Hijack’ cells to produce viral E6 and E7 proteins which are mutagenic –> cause cancer
What is Gonorrhoea?
Male: Epididymitis, prostatitis, proctitis (inflammation of lining of rectum), urethritis, pharyngitis,
Female: PID, endocervicitis, urethritis
Caused by: Neisseria gonorrhoeae (gonococcus) (-ve)
Pathogenesis: Bacteria uses fimbriae and capsule to facilitate attachment to host cell. Releases IgA protease enzyme to break down secretory IgA in mucosal cells. - prevents immune system reacting to organism.
Can survive phagocytosis & multiplies within phagocytes. Kills ciliated cells –> inflammatory response.
(Affects columnar epithelial cells)
Diagnosed by: Urethral & vaginal swab & culture, 1st catch urine
Treatment: single dose of Ceftriaxone
Features of Disseminated Gonoccocal infection?(Repro)
Skin & joint lesions
What is Syphilis?
There are 4 stages:
Primary - Present with painless genital ulcers (chancres)
Secondary - 6-8 weeks, present with diffuse non-pruritic rash, lymphadenopathy, fever
Tertiary: CVS syphilis - Aortic aneurysms, aortic regurgitation, congestive heart failure
Neuro syphilis - parathesia, demtnia, sensory losses
Gummatus syphilis - tumour like growths around the body
Latent stage: No symptoms - can last years
Caused by: Treponeum pallidum (helical spirochete)
Pathogenesis: -
Diagnosed by:
Specific antibody tests against antigens i.e. MHA-TP, silver stain or fluorescence, dark field microscopy, serology.
Treatment: Penicillin
Test of cure follow up
What is Vulvo-vaginal Candidiasis?
Symptoms: Profuse white, curd like, itchy, vaginal discharge.
Caused by: Candida albicans (fungal)
Pathogenesis: part of normal flora - opportunistic
Risk Factors: Remember DOOPAS Diabetes Oral contraceptives Obesity Pregnancy Antibiotics Steroids
Diagnosis: Tissue scraping or blood culture
Treatment: Oral fluconazoles, topical azoles.
What is KOH whiff test?
Adding KOH (Potassium hydroxide) –> releases volatile amines with a fishy odour - positive test indicative of bacterial vaginosis
Who is at risk for STIs?
- Young people - 16-25
- Ethnic minorities
- Lower socioeconomic background
( - Poverty & Social exclusion
- Individuals born to teenage mothers
- Poor education
- Unemployed)
Sexual Behaviours:
- Multiple partners
- Sexual orientation
- Young at first coitus
Best prevention against STIs?
Barrier contraception; Condoms etc.
Anthropods that cause infection?
Scabies mite
Pubic louse
What is Trichomonas Vaginitis? (Repro)
Symptoms: Thin frothy offensive discharge, dysuria, vaginal inflammation
Caused by: Flagellated protozoan - Trichomonas vaginalis
Diagnosed by: vaginal wet preparation +/- culture enhancement.
Treatment: Metronidazole
Main difference between Vaginitis and Vaginosis?
Vaginosis is from perturbed normal flora and there is no inflammation present.