Infections in Pregnancy Flashcards
Lady 13weeks pregnant presents with possible acute toxoplasmosis. How to test?
chck mum IgG. If negative, ignore.
if IgG positive, check IgM. IgM negative, no recent infection but if sample>6months since conception, try to check recent sample.
If IgM positive, then check IgG avidity. If low avidity, recent infection possible. if high avidity, likely prior to conception (no risk).
if high risk, see if can check amniotic fluid/fetal blood pcr. if negative or unable to check, give spiramycin till delivery. if amniotic fluid/fetal PCR positive, consider sulfadiazine+pyramethamine OR TOP.
Paediatric consultant querying congenital CMV in 2 year old girl. How to check?
check mum IgG status. If mum IgG positive, then given child is above 1 year, check child’s IgG status (mum’s IgG would have gone by now). if child IgG negative, then infection excluded. but if child IgG positive, then check Guthrie card. If Guthrie negative, then still cannot exclude (coz Guthrie not sensitive). But if Guthrie positive, then confirmed CMV congenital infection.
Query congenital CMV in neonate 2 weeks old (below 3 weeks age). How to check?
Mum’s IgG status. If mum IgG positive
check baby’s urine/saliva culture or NAAT (urine more sensitive)+child IgM
if child IgM positive, confirm with urine/saliva within 3 weeks of birth. if urine/salive negative despite positive IgM, repeat test. if repeat negative=no infection. If repeat urine/saliva positive, confirm with Guthrie.
see full flow chart for rest.
Principle: will always need 2 different samples to confirm congenital CMV. and if using urine/saliva as one of those samples, will always need to check urine/saliva twice (even if sample negative).
Query congenital CMV in fetus. How to check?
Check mum’s IgG status. if positive,
do amniotic fluid PCR. if positive - infection confirmed. If negative, then congenital infection highly unlikely.
Query congenital CMV in 9 month baby (>3 weeks, but less than 12 months). How to test?
check mum’s IgG status. If mum IgG positive,
CMV in urine or saliva (ok if less than 1 year old)
if negative, repeat and if still negative - say unlikely.
but if CMV urine/saliva positive - check with Guthrie. if Guthrie positive = confirmed. If Guthrie negative, can’t exclude.
Principle: need 2 different tests to be positive if want to confirm congenital CMV.
Pregnant woman contact with rubella rash.
For rubella, when in gestation is it most risky to be exposed?
How to manage?
establish baseline immune status: no concerns if 2xrubella vaccine/1 vaccine+1 Ab test>10 IU/ml/2 prev Ab test >10IUml.
If susceptible, send baseline serology for rubella (both IgM and IgG).
if susceptible, repeat sample in 4 weeks. Rubella IgM is not very specific, so if positive repeat in 10-14days using different assay +measure IgG avidity. if confirmed, consider fetal PCR.
- If repeat serology at 4 weeks still negative, then give MMR as per national guidance.
Pregnant woman contact with measles rash. When is measles infectious? How to manage?
Pregnant woman contact with parvovirus rash. When is parvo infectious?
For parvovirus, when in gestation is it most risky to be exposed?
How to manage?
Most risky if within first 20 weeks.
send baseline serology asap. if IgM positive, IgG negative, then collect another sample ASAP.
if negative baseline then repeat at 1 month. if IgM positive, IgG negative, then collect another sample ASAP. if positive on repeat, then refer to obstetrician.
Pregnant woman significant exposure to chickenpox rash. When is chickenpox infectious? How to manage?
Pregnant woman exposed to localised herpes zoster ophthalmic rash (exposed on immunocompetent person). when is localised herpes zoster infectious? How to manage?
significant exposure coz in exposed area.
if <20weeks, VZIG within 10days.
if >20weeks, aciclovir 800mg 4x/day from day 7 to day 14, can be given upto 14days since exposure (date of first contact/rash onset)
Neonate exposed to measles in sibling. How to manage?
Female traveller went to Zika mod-risk area with husband. What contraception precautions to use? for how long?
Female traveller went to moderate Zika area without husband. What contraception precautions to use, for how long?
Male traveller went to moderate Zika area. Wife pregnant. What contraception precautions to use, for how long?
Male traveller went to moderate/high Zika area. Wife not pregnant. What contraception to use? For how long?