Infection Control And Sanitation Flashcards
An infection, such as a pimple or abscess
Local infection
Common house hold bleach
Sodium hypochlorite
Fungal infection of the skin that appears in circular lesions
Tuberculocidal disinfectants that are a form of formaldehyde, very high in PH, can damage skin and eyes
Phenolic disinfectants
Fungal infection of scalp, red Papules or spots, at the opening of hair follicles
Tinea capitis
Item made of material that has no pores or openings, doesn’t absorb
Quats” designed for disinfection of nonporous surfaces. Effective against most pathogens
Quaternary ammonium compounds
Illness resulting from employment, prolonged over exposure to certain products or ingredients
Occupational disease
Chemical germicides formulated for use on skin
Reusable, items that can be cleaned, disinfected and used on one or more person even if exposed to blood or body fluid
Multi use
Chemical process that uses specific products to destroy harmful organisms on environmental surfaces
Type of fungus that affects plants or grows on inanimate objects but does not cause human infections in the barber shop
Showing no symptoms or signs of infection
Known as barbers itch, a superficial fungal infection that commonly affects the skin, primarily limited to the bearded areas of the face and neck or around the neck
Tinea Barbae
A contagious skin disease that is caused by the itch mite, which burrows under the skin
Any organism of microscopic or submicroscopic size.
Chemical products approved by the EPA, designed to destroy most bacteria, fungi, and viruses on surfaces
Harmless microorganisms that may perform useful function and are safe since they do not cause disease or harm.
Commonly known as Quats are products made of quaternary ammonium caution, design for disinfection of nonporous surfaces
Quaternary ammonium compounds
HPV- virus that can infect the bottom of the foot and resembles small black dots, also cutaneous viral infection contracted through sexual transmission, exhibited by genital warts
Human papillomavirus
When the body reacts to injury, irritation or infection, characterized by redness, heat pain, and swelling
Able to be communicated, transferable by contact from one person to another as in a communicable disease
A disease caused by bacteria that are transmitted through coughing or sneezing
Chemical process for reducing the number of disease causing germs
Disease caused by organisms, bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites
Pathogenic disease
MRSA, type of infections bacteria resistant to antibiotics
Methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus
Disease caused by bacteria, from coughing or sneezing
Made or constructed of a material that has pores or opening, and is also absorbent
Disease caused by parasites, lice and mites
Parasitic disease
Infestation of the hair and scalp with head lice.
Pediculosis capitis
Disease- causing microorganisms carried in the body or body fluids, such as hepatitis and HIV
Bloodborne pathogens
A large family of bacteria that’s found in soil and water
Virus that causes HIV
Human immunodeficiency virus
A parasitic submicroscopic particle that infects and resides in cells of biological organisms
Capable of destroying bacteria
Phenolics” proven to kill the bacterium that causes that causes tuberculosis
Tuberculocidal disinfectants
Pus forming bacteria that grow in clusters, causes abscesses, pustules and boils
Inflammatory disease of the skin caused by a viral infection
Herpes simplex disease
Capable of destroying viruses
Indicates specific pathogens destroyed or disabled when used properly
Bloodborne virus that causes disease, and can damage the liver
Harmful microorganisms that can cause disease or infection in humans , when they invade the body
Fluid created by injection
Guidelines published by CDC to assume any human blood is potentially infectious
Standard precautions
Infection where the pathogen is distributed throughout the body , rather than staying in one spot
Systemic infection