Infection Control Flashcards
2 oz for very 32 oz of water immerse 10 minutes
Barbacide TB
1 oz for every 1 gallon of water immerse 10 minutes
Cool care/ Clippercide
Must stay wet for 10 minutes
Must stay wet for 20 minutes
EPA Registration Number
Given to a product along with Approval of the efficacy claims on the label, Ensures the product is both safe and affective
EPA Registered Disinfectant
Effective to control spread of diseases on non porous surfaces Efficacy demonstrated against both salmonella and staph Also called a broad spectrum disinfectant
EPA Registered Hospital Disinfectant
Effective to work in a hospital setting on non porous surfaces like approved EPA registered but also affective against pseudomonas Most regularly agencies require approved EPA registered Hospital disinfectant for incidents involving exposure to blood or body fluids.
Bloodborn pathogens
EPA approved forms of salon disinfectants
Solution, Spray, and Wipes
Disinfectant types
Quaternary quats,
Bleach, Sodium, Hypochlorite, and Tuberculosis disinfectants
Important to remember
Always follow manufacturers directions and wear gloves and safety glasses when working with disinfectants, Read Directions carefully and follow specific immersion times, Preclean tools before immersing them in a disinfectant
Neck strips
Single use (disposable)
Cotton Balls
Single Use (disposable)
Multi use (reusable)
Multi use (reusable)
Pourus Items
Single use (disposable)
Non Porous items
Multi use (Reusable)
Styling bowls
Multi use (Reusable)
Metal Pusher
Multi use (reusable)
Single use (Disposable)
Single use (Disposable)
Single use (disposable)
Wooden Sticks
Single use (Disposable)
Usually does not apply to cosmo services, Requires use of a liquid sterilant and/or moist or dry heat
Infection Control
Efforts to prevent the spread of communicable diseases
3 levels of infection control
Cleaning, Disinfection, and Sterilization
Process of scrubbing to remove dirt and debris to aid preventing the growth of microbes, Does not kill microbes, reduces future microbe growth, Requires scrubbing process to loosen microbes,
Sanitizer product that can be applied to the skin to reduce microbes, Can’t replace hand washing or clean tools or equipment
Cleaning guidelines
Wash hands with soap and warm water, Wear clean fresh laundered clothing, Avoid touching face mouth and eyes, Never place tools in your mouth or pockets, Use a new or laundered towel cape on each client, Use disposable towels or fresh laundered towels, Clean and remove hair and debris from all tools before disinfecting, Sweep or vacuum all hair clippings from the floor after each service and discard or disinfect, Clean bowls before and after each use.
Standards require products to destroy or kill certain microbes on non porous surfaces
Chemical products used to destroy or kill most bacteria (except bacterial spores) Fungi and viruses on non porous surfaces.
Kill harmful bacteria
Kill Tuberculosis
Destroy Fungus
Kills Viruses
Kills Pseudomonas
Enforces safety and health standards in the work place, Requires employees to be informed of dangerous materials used in the workplace, Regulates safety data sheets, Enforces product labeling
Ability to produce results or effectiveness
Approves efficacy of products used for infection control, Manufacturers submit a product for verification of effectiveness