Infection and Response Flashcards
Describe bacteria
- once inside the human body, reproduces very rapidly
- can release harmful chemicals called toxins
- toxins damage tissues and make us feel ill
Describe viruses
- cannot reproduce by themselves
- can only reproduce inside a host cell
- very damaging to the cell
- when the virus leaves the cell, it can cause the cell to burst open and die
How are pathogens spread
- air e.g. water droplets sneezing and coughing
- directly through water like cholera
- direct contact between individuals
How to prevent spread?
- clean drinking water
- washing hands
- condom during intercouse
- vaccination
- isolation
Symptoms, spread, effects and prevention of measles
- fever
- a red skin rash 3 days after
spread by:
-droplets when an infected person sneezes or coughs
-can cause damage to the brain and breathing system
-children should be vaccinated very young
Symptoms, treatment, transmission and prevention of HIV
- flu like illness which usually disappears after 1-2 weeks
- virus attacks the rest fo the immune system, damaging it over time severely
- patient becomes unable to fight off other infections and cancer cells
- this is called AIDS
- antiretroviral drugs stop the virus from multiplying in the patient so it doesn’t damage the immune system
- they will not develop AIDS and are able to live a normal life
- exchange of bodily fluids between humans
- sharing infected needles
Symptoms, transmission and prevention of salmonella.
- fever
- abdominal cramps
- vomitting
- diarrhoea
- eating infected food that is prepared in unhygenic conditions
- bacteria secrete toxins that cause the symptoms
- cook meat thoroughly
- vaccinate chickens
Gonorrhoea symptoms, prevention and treatment
thick green/yellow discharge from the penis or vagina
pain when urinating
- antibiotics (penicillin)
- however antibiotic resistant strains are now common
- use condoms
- get tested if you have unprotected sex
What is a protist?
- single celled eukaryotes
- often transferred to an organism by a vector
Symptoms and preventing malaria
How is malaria spread?
-repeated bolts of fever
- stop them breeding by draining areas with still water
- spray areas of still water with insecticide
- sleep under a mosquito net sprayed with insecticide
how is it spread?
- infected person is bitten by a mosquito
- the malaria pathogen passes into the mosquito
- now it bites into another person and passes it into them
How does the skin prevent pathogens from entering the body?
- forms protective layer covering the body
- outer layer consists of dead cells and is difficult for pathogens to penetrate
- prodeces sebum which kills bacteria
- when it is damaged, it scabs over to prevent pathogens from entering
How does the nose prevent pathogens from entering the body?
-contains hair and mucus which traps pathogens before they enter the breathing system
How do the lungs prevent pathogens from entering the body?
- trachea and the bronchi are covered with tiny hairs called cilia
- cilia is covered in mucus which traps pathogens
- now wafts the mucus upwards towards the throat where it is swallowed into the stomach
How does the stomach prevent pathogens from attacking the body?
- contains hydrochloric acid
- kills pathogens before the go further into the digestive system
What does the immune system do?
Destroys pathogens and any pathogens they produce.