Infants Flashcards
Purpose of infant exam
- early intervention
- ensure there are no gross irregularities/abnormalities (pathology: life/vision-threatening, RE outside of norms: amblyogenic factors)
- ensure/encourage appropriate visual development for maximum fxn
Which type of testing should we do first on infants?
Binocular testing - VAs
Resistance to occlusion is a red flag for
Case history
Ocular hx (infant and fam) Medical hx (infant and fam) Meds/Allergies
Measured at 1 and 5 min after birth:
1 min - how well baby tolerated birthing process
5 min - how well baby is adapting to the environment
Max score of 2 in each category = overall max score of 10
Score <7 = difficulty adapting; may need immediate medical intervention
F&F Resistance to occlusion ITT Teller/Face Dot/Lea paddles OKN VEP
Expected VAs
Newborn: 20/400-20/1200 binocularly
6 months: 20/50-20/200 binocularly; 20/80-20/300 monocularly
*same up until 12 months
30 months: 20/20-20/50 bino; 20/20-20/50 mono
Measure of GROSS ACUITY only
No sound
Only recommended when baby is unable to participate in more accurate testing
Resistance to occlusion behaviors
Crying, pushing hand away
Problem w/ unoccluded eye
ITT/Vertical Prism test
Used w/ pts that have no apparent strabismus
*NOT A TRUE MEASURE OF VA - info on suppression/not a measure of alignment
Fixate on near target
Occlude if possible
10-15 PD BD - upward shift in unoccluded eye
Uncover occluded eye - observe response
- diplopia (ideal response) - eyes will move up and down to try and fixate
- no movement - prefers fixation w/ initially unoccluded eye (hypotropia in unoccluded eye or hypertrophic in occluded eye?)
- single movement to fixate w/ uncovered eye - prefers fixation w/ initially occluded eye
Perform w/ other eye occluded initially and compare symmetry response.
Ex: No movement OS when unoccluded = preferred fixation w/ OD
Occlude OD - single movement to fixate when unoccluded = preferred fixation w/ OD (confirms first test)
Forced choice preferential looking:
Teller cards - cycles/cm, cycles/deg, Snellen Equivalent
Lea paddles - same
FDT/Richman - variable test distance; approximate Snellen equivalent
Stripes vs gray field of equal size/luminance
Movement of eyes/head toward pattern if detectable
Lea paddles equation
Cycles/deg = test dist/55cm x cycle/cm
Snellen denom = 20 x 30/(cycles/deg)
Ex: 8 cycles/cm @100cm
100/55 x 8 = 14.55 cycles/deg
Snellen denom = 20 x (30/14.55) = 41.2
8 cycles/cm = 20/41
*Note: 20/20 ~16 cycles/cm ~30 cycles/deg
Responses not impacted by significant uncorrected RE
- Not an accurate measurement of VA
- Partially facilitated by motion processing
Persistent asymmetry of OKN = strab, ambylopia, unilateral cataract
Infants normally develop temporally to nasal first.
Capacity for ADULT LEVEL of VEP acuity develops in EARLY INFANCY
VEP = higher level of visual potential
Expected VEP acuity: - 20/20 6-9mo Vs Preferential looking: - 20/100 @6mo, 20/50 @1yr
Sound CAN be use (contrary to F&F)