Infant health Flashcards
When do you do well child checks?
2 weeks, 2 months, 4, 6, 9, 12 months
If discharged from hospital prior to 48 hours first visit within 3-5 days
Labs at infant check up
Hct 6, 9, 12 months
bilirubin if indicated
Head circumference
up until 2 years
Head control
by 4 months
No lag when pulled to sitting
at 6 months
lag indicates palsy
fissures at lip line. indicated vitamin deficiency
shrill, high pitched cry
increased intracranial pressure (ICP)
infants are what kind of breathers?
up until 3 months of age
infants liver
palpable 1 to2 cm below right coast margin
testes fully descended
3 months of age
allis’s sign
unequal leg length
galeazzi sign
unequal knee height
infant lymph nodes
1 cm inguinal, 2 cm cervical enlargement (palpable) may be normal
shotty nodes indicate past infection
Supraclavicular nodes require aggressive investigation
loss of 20 to 30 decibels indicates hearing loss