Infant Batpism bible quotes Flashcards
What is the greek word for baptism?
It means to dip, immerse or to plunge.
Who else practiced Baptism?
The ancient Egytians practiced a form of baptism for kings and the dead, with a view to renewal of life. They believed ritual washing of the dead.
What was the Roman point of view for Baptism?
It was believed that baptism would wash away all the candidate’s sins and from that point on, his life would be changed for the better, because he had enrolled himself in the service of the savior God.
What was the Jewish point for baptism?
It was the ceremonial cleansing of Levites and for certain initiation procedures. Like priests washing hands, cleansing after contact with a corpse(numbers 19:11-22), Leprosy(lev 13-14), after sexual situations(lev 12,15)
What did the baptism of John symbolize?
It was “a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins.”(lk 3:3) He was a Levite as it states in Luke 1:5-6. John’s father was Zechariah, a desceand of the high prist Aaron, from the line of Levi (1 Chron 24.) What was important about it was that John’s Baptism was looked for the Christian baptism for the forgiveness of sins and regeneration through the Holy Spirit.
What was reveled though John’s Baptism?
That baptism that the Lambo of God was revealed to God to John and proclaimed to the world.(John 1:31-34)
What does God own?
Everything belongs to God, the earth and all it contains, the people the days, the times and season(ps 89:11).
Where did Easter come from?
it originally came from the celebration of Eostre, the pagan goddess of spring, who brought new life after the death of winter. Here festival came at the spring equinox and was called Eastron(plural for Eastre).
What are some Protestants say about about the Early Church fathers?
That if it were really important God would have put it in the Bible. a good question to ask is that is the bible a doctrinal textbook- a comprehensive that clearly teaches everything about faith-with no ambiguities?
By believing in Christ?
Jn 3:16 Acts 16:31
By repentance?
Acts 2:38 2 Pet 3:9
By baptism?
Jn 3:5,1 Pet 3:21, Titus 3:5
By the work of the spirit?
Jn 3:5, 2 Cor 3:6
By declaring with our mouths?
Lk 12:8 Rom 10:9
By coming to the knowledge of the truth?
1 Tim 2:4