Infant and Toddler Milestones Flashcards
Lifts head side to side in prone, responds to parents’ voice, moves arms in wide range, trust or mistrust
2 months
Can express emotions such as smiling and laughing
4 months
Lift head against gravity in prone, can hold head upright in supported sitting to watch others
3 months
Contacts objects with eyes more than hands, follows mother’s face across midline, squeeze items with hands - limited thumb movement
5 months
Accuracy of reaching improves, Palmar grasp
5-6 months
Begins to recognize self
6 months
Learning about body and affects it has on actions, learning occurs through senses, can move side to side on forearms, rolls sequentially to move, radial palmar grasp
7 months
Sit up independently while hands are free to play with toys, belly crawls forward
7-8 months
Voluntary release
8-9 months
Can get from prone to sitting, attention span increases to 2-3 minutes, begins to understand object permanence
9 months
Creeping (crawling), radial digital grasp, wrist extension increases, better use of fingertips
6-12 months
Child’s environment expands, children space themselves from parents but become frightened if parents are not around
10-12 months
Pincer grasp, purposeful release, creeps rapidly across the room including various surfaces and inclines
12 months
Begin to understand functional purposes of objects, various grasping patterns, move more independently between positions such as spine to sitting and rotating and pivoting, begin to walk
15-18 months
Release of small pellet into small bottle