Infancy-5 y/o Flashcards
- Able to fix briefly on faces or objects
- Follows face to midline
1-2 weeks
cognitive d.
- Responds to affection, changes in environment
- Indicates pleasure and displeasure
4 months
cog. d
-Continues to use visual exploration to learn about environment but is also beginning to use oral exploration for learning
6 months
cog. d
-Indicates boredom (crying/fussiness) when no changes in activity occur
2 months
cog. d
- Begins to demonstrate differentiated types of crying (hunger, discomfort, fatigue)
- Coos
- Has clearer behaviors to indicate needs for food, sleep, play, comforting
2 months
- Cries in differentiated manner to express hunger, fatigue, pain
- Babbles more expressively and spontaneously
4 months
Turns and calms to parent’s voice
Communicates needs through behaviors
Undifferentiated cry
1-2 weeks
- Uses string of vowels together (babbling “ah,” “eh,” “oh”) and enjoys vocal turn taking
- Beginning to recognize own name
- Will begin to use consonant sounds (“m,” “b”) then combine together (“ah,” “ba”) as jargon
6 months
when will baby start cooing?
2 months
when will babe begin to recognize own name
6 months
- Attempts to look at parent
- Smiles
- Able to console and comfort self (brings hands to midline and mouth)
2 months
-Able to sustain periods of wakefulness for feeding
-Will gradually become able to establish longer stretch of sleep (4-5 hours at night)
Has indefinite regard of surroundings
1-2 weeks
- Socially interactive with parent
- Recognizes familiar faces & is beginning to recognize whether person is stranger
6 months
- Smiles spontaneously
- Elicits social interactions
- Shows solidified self-consolation skills
4 months
- Able to suck, swallow, and breathe
- Shows strong primitive reflexes (suck, rooting, palmer grasp, stepping, Moro reflex, tonic neck reflex)
- Able to life head briefly when in prone position
1-2 weeks
- Able to hold up head and begins to push up in prone position
- Consistent head control in supported sitting position
- Shows symmetrical movements of head, arms, and legs
- Shows diminishing newborn reflexes
2 months
when can babe show consisent head control in supported sitting position?
2 months
- increasing mobility, standing, and bouncing; in prone position, will gradually move into crawling position
- Rocks back and forth, often crawling backward before moving forward
- Will learn to rotate in sitting & eventually move from sitting to crawling position
6 months
when does babe rock back and forth, often crawling backward before moving forward
6 months
- Develops object permanence
- Learns interactive games, such as “peek-a-boo” and “so big”
- Looks at books & explores environment, physically and visually
9 months
cog. d
- Developed apprehension with strangers
- Seeks parent for play and comfort, and as a resource
9 months
when does babe learn games like peek-a-boo
9 months
-Uses wide variety of repetitive consonants and vowel sounds
Starts to point out objects
9 months
- Demonstrates prodeclarative pointing (points to desired object and watches to see whether parent sees it)
- Imitates vocalizations and sounds
- Speaks 1 to 2 words
- Jabbers with inflections of normal speech
12 months
when does babe learn object permanence
9 months
when does babe start speaking 1-2 words
12 months
- Indicates what they want by pulling, pointing, or grunting
- Brings objects over to show you
- Hands you book when they want to hear story
- Says 2-3 words (not Dada/Mama) with meaning
15 months
- Has vocabulary of at least 50 words
- Uses 2-word phrases
- Asks parent to read book
24 months
- Vocalizes and gestures; speaks 6 words
- Points to indicate to someone else what they want
18 months
when can babe say 2-3 words with meaning
15 months
how many words should babe know by age 24 months
50 words
-use 2 word phases
- Plays interactive games (i.e. “peek-a-boo,” “pat-a-cake”)
- Imitates activities
- Hands you book when they want to hear story
- Waves “bye-bye”
- Has strong attachment with parent or significant caregiver
- Shows distress on separation from parent
12 months
- Interactive or withdrawn; friendly or aggressive (i.e. hitting, biting)
- Laughs in response to others
- Explores alone but with parent in close proximity
- Spontaneous with affection
- Helps in house
18 months
Listens to story
Imitates activities
May help in house
15 months
- Imitates adults
- Increases pretend play (i.e. rocking, feeding, or putting baby doll to bed)
- Plays alongside other children (parallel play)
- Refers to self more often as “I” or “me”
- May have established special attachment to transitional object
24 months
- Imaginary play, such as with dolls and toys, is increasing
- Play is starting to include other children to increasing degree, such as play tea parties or chase games
- Has fears about unexplained changes in his physical environment and unexpected events (common in children of this age)
2.5 years
when does babe start refering to self more ofen as “I” or “me”
24 months
- Uses short phrases of 3-4 words
- Understandable to others 50% of time
2.5 yrs
-Follows 2-step commands
-Names one picture, such as cat, horse, bird, dog, or man
-Completes sentences and rhymes in familiar books
-Corrects you if you change word in book they know
In response to, “Where is ___?”, points to object or animal in book
24 months
- Points to 1 body part
- Follows simple instructions without gestured cues (“sit down”)
- Shows interest in doll or stuffed animal by hugging it or pretend feeding
- Knows names of favorite books
18 months
when can babe follow 2 step command
24 months
when should others be able to understand babe 50% of time
2.5 yrs
points to one body part
18 months
-Completes sentences and rhymes in familiar books
24 months
- knows correct action for selected animal or person (i.e. cat meows, horse gallops, bird flies, dog barks, man talks)
- Has friends
- Points to 6 body parts
2.5 yrs
Understands and follows simple commands
15 months
Follows simple directions
Identifies persons upon request (i.e. “Where is ___?”)
12 months
can point to 6 body parts
2.5 yrs
- Jumps up and down in place
- Throws ball overhand
- Washes and dries hands
- Brushes teeth with help
- Puts on clothes with help
- Copies vertical line
2.5 yrs
Bangs 2 cubes held in hands
Stands alone
12 months
Walks well, stoops, and recovers
Able to take steps backwards
Puts block in cup
Drinks from cup
15 months
when can babe throw a ball overhead
2.5 yrs
drinks from cup
15 months
- Walks up steps, runs
- Stacks 2 or 3 blocks
- May imitate crayon stoke and scribbles
- Uses spoon and cup without spilling most of time
18 months
copies vertical lines
2.5 yrs
kicks a ball
24 months
- Stacks 5 or 6 blocks
- Makes or imitates horizontal and circular strokes with crayon
- Turns book pages one at a time
- Imitates food preparation: scrubs, tears, breaks, dips, snaps, beats an egg, “washes” dishes
- Throws ball overhand
- Goes up and down stairs one step at a time
- Kicks a ball
- Jumps up
24 months
when can babe use spoon and cup without spilling most of the time
18 months
-Rapidly expands motor skills – crawls reciprocally, gets to sitting, begins to pull to stand
9 months
when does babe typically start walking well
15 months
- Has self-care skills (i.e. self-feeding and self-dressing to extent this is desired and permitted within individual family and cultural norms)
- Imaginative play is becoming more elaborate, with specific themes or story lines demonstrated
- Enjoys interactive play
3 y/o
- Gives first and last name
- Sings song or says poem from memory
- Knows what to do if cold, tired, or hungry
- Clearly understandable with most speech efforts
4 y/o
Carries on conversation with 2-3 sentences spoken together
Understandable to others 75% of time
Names a friend
3 /o
does does babe know their first and last name
4 y/o
-Good articulation, tells simple story using full sentences, uses appropriate tenses and pronouns, can count to 10, and names at least 4 colors
5 and 6y/o
- Describes features of himself, including gender, age, interests, and strengths
- Responsive or withdrawn; friendly or hostile/aggressive; cooperative or defiant
- Acts appropriately for community’s or family’s cultural values
- Plays with favorite toys (describe play)
- Listens to stories
- Engages in fantasy play
4 y/o
Hops on one foot Balances on one foot for 2 seconds Builds tower of 8 blocks Copies cross Pours, cuts, and mashes own food Brushes own teeth Dresses self, including buttons
4 y/o
Names 4 colors Aware of gender (of self and others) Plays board/card games Draws person with 3 parts Tells you what they think is going to happen next in book
4 y/o
Knows name and use of cup, ball, spoon, and crayon
Identifies self as girl or boy
3 y/o
-Able to tie knot, mature pencil grasp, can draw person with at least 6 body parts, prints some letters and numbers, and is able to copy squares and triangles
5 and 6 y/o
when is babe aware of gender
4 y/o
- Balances on one foot, hops, and skips
- Follows simple directions, able to listen and attend, and undresses and dresses with minimal assistance
5 and 6 y/o
- Hops on one foot
- Balances on one foot for 2 seconds
- Builds tower of 8 blocks
- Copies cross
- Pours, cuts, and mashes own food
- Brushes own teeth
- Dresses self, including buttons
4 y/o
when does babe balance on one foot for 1 second
3 years old
when can babe dress self
4 y/o
- Builds tower of 6-8 cubes
- Throws ball overhand
- Rides tricycle
- Walks up stairs alternating feet
- Balances on 1 foot for 1 second
- Copies a circle
- Draws a person with 2 body parts (head and one other part)
- Toilet trained during daytime for both bowel andbladder?
3 y/o