Inequality and HDI Flashcards
income inequality; income distribution among the population
financial distribution; inequality among the factors of production
Lorenz curve
showing the proportion of nation income earned by any given % of the population.
at a 45 degree angle, showing perfect equality - the further the curve is from the line the more inequality exists.
Gini coefficient
A/ A+B between 0-1
0 being perfect equality and 1 being inequality
causes of inequality
wage inequality - the wage for skilled has risen in comparison to unskilled, trade union power has decreased (protection of the low paid) , rise in the ‘unofficial markets’,
increased flexed market, employed on part time
general scarcity, unable to eat, drink,have shelter and clothing, access to information and education
receiving less than $ a day
Poverty gap
shortfall of the total population from the poverty line
relative poverty
inability to reach a minimum accepted standard of living in a particular society
“deprived from the benefits of society”
asses 3 elements of deprivation in a country; longevity, knowledge and a decent standard of living
having a long healthy life, living to the age of 60
reading and literacy skills
standard of living
percentage of those living below the poverty line - measured by GNI (gross national income) - including all nation income and income from domestic earners abroad.