Inequalities Flashcards
Smith and Noble: Barriers to learning
Barriers to learning: Lack of funds to pay for uniform Low income families suffer ill-health Not able to pay for private tuition Access to computers
Survey of 2000 higher education students have debt aversion (fear of getting into debt from student loans)
2 longitudinal studies affecting children’s success in education:
National Development Study + British Cohort study
He suggested factors including material, parents’ education, quality of schooling
Feinstein overcoming the deprivation
Pre-school schemes by Labour gov are overcoming
Gillian Evans - qualitative methodology
W/C parents wanted them to do well but did not use formal learning type skills bringing up children so they are less prepared for school
Bernstein: speech patterns
Restricted Code
Elaborated Code
Evaluation of Bernstein
Problems rooted in wider society not just teachers & educationalists
Bernstein’s definition of social class is vague, it is too simple to divide people into restricted and elaborated code
His evidence is based on unrepresentative research
Bordieu - cultural capital
Cultural, social and economic capital
Bourdieu argues the role of the education system is cultural reproduction
The influence of teachers expectations on pupils
Gillborn and Youdell
Hargreaves - interviews with teachers and how students were typed and labelled. Speculation (guesses), working hypothesis (interactions), elaboration (classroom testing), stabilisation
Gillborn and Youdell - 2 secondary schools, allocate sets based on type rather than objective
Fuller on ethnicity and gender
Small scale study on w/c black girls, felt teachers held negative stereotypes but they refused to live up to the expectation
In Russel group uni’s white students are under represented
Only 14.1% were white BUT only 1/10 Oxbridge candidates were ethnic minorities
said ethnic minorities were…
The poorest (used to support material deprivation)
Said that ethnic minority parents actually have alot more cultural capital because…
They have alot of culture due to their backgrounds however due to language barriers they take low paid jobs
(They actually have alot of knowledge)
overall all chinese students do better whether it be working class or middle class because…
Regardless of their financial situation Chinese parents still invest a lot of money & time into their children’s education
Studied black Caribbean boys in comprehensive schools (11-16) & found…
Street culture explains low attainment: in their culture there is a high proportion of lone parent families so black boys have to step up
Put together 4 main subgroups Conformists Innovators Retreatists Rebels
Evaluation of SEWELL
Small scale study so its not representative
Unfair - blames the students for their under achievement without exploring other issues such as bad teaching
CAMERON said that black boys…
Choose to preform badly
(Link to SEWELL & blaming students for their under performance)
VINCENT parents of the black middle class have…
High aspirations & alot of cultural capital
HARGREAVES there are 2 subcultures…
Deliquescent + conformist
(The conformist boys followed the rules while the deliquescent went against them)
- link to how boys are underachieving but its not all boys
Working class have different subcultures
Academic achievers
Macho Lads (reject authority)
New enterprisers (interest in vocational studies)
Real Englishmen (uncool to obey teachers)
People from ethnic minorities are more likely to…
Take HE qualifications
In 2010 black Caribbean’s 82.6% of girls but only 72.2% of boys achieved…
5 or more GCSE’s
Compared to 90% of Chinese girls and 90.6% Chinese boys
DUSTMAN ethnic groups start off achieving less but…
Catch up (the biggest catch up is Chinese & Bangladeshi’s)
SHARP changing attitudes for girls…
In 1970 their man priorities were love marriage husbands and children but in 1990’s did the same survey at the same school & found their priorities had changed to careers
Girls have increasing pressure to…
Pass exams
Changes in job market…
In 1997 53% of women were in employment but in 2014 67% were
BUT male employment fell because of industrialisation
Rise in feminism - the ACTS…
Equal Pay Act 1970
Sex Discrimination Act
Led to rise in employment
ARNOT said…
Female teachers transmit feminist ideas to girls
BECK (individualisation) we now live in a ‘risk society’ because…
Because they are more concerned with personal issues such as divorce
HANAN growing up boys communicate & relate by doing this whereas girls…
Express feelings by talking and therefore they developed better language skills = they have higher level of attainment
Coursework benefits
Because they are more organised
ARCHER & JACKSON on different types of female…
Archer - sexualised hyper feminine identity (more concerned with hair and beauty)
Jackson - Ladettes (more male characteristics)
Boys achieving less…
MAC AN GHAIL - crisis of masculinity due to a decline in male jobs (industrialisation)
WILLIS - lad culture ‘having a laff’ (anti school subculture)
FRANCIS - boys have unrealistic career ambitions such as being footballers
GORDON BROWN - in 2006 we have a wasted generation of boys
COFFEY - this leads to a moral panic
National Literacy Trust Survey found…
76% of boys did not do as well on reading compared to girls
The global ‘‘Gender Apartheid’’ in education refers to economic & social sexual discrimination against individuals because of their sex & gender
Girls denied opportunities…
In Sub-Saharan Africa only 23% of poor rural girls complete primary education
We have an Ethnocentric Curriculum …..
Thats focuses on white history
GILLBORN & YODELL - teachers racialise expectations…
Education triage - teachers focus on students borderline achieving 5 grade C’s or above
MIRZA - myth of underachievement for black women
Most girls were confident in their own abilities but felt teachers put them down
Argued black girls were denied opportunities due to lower expectations
MAC AN GHAIL - gifted black
Ethnographic study of 25 black and 25 asians and the majority of students felt they were victims of racism were not necessarily most negative to education
They call it ‘resistance within accommodation’ they bind together to get good marks
11+ exams girls used to have to score higher to get a place in a comprehensive school
ALSO IN 1990
the gender gap of 5 or more GCSE’s A*- C widened from 7.6% - 10.6%
Girls have always been smarter so they had to work harder
In 2004 - girls did better in all subjects apart from maths
In 2012 the average pin t score per student achieved by females at the end of KS5 was 740.3 compared to 706.4 for males
In the 1970’s made up only 1/3 of the students in HE
BY 1990’s they outnumbered males
Are females out preforming males?
Only some boys are under achieving
White working class are underachieving
BUT feminists says
Females are still at disadvantaged in some areas of education