Inentional Torts Flashcards
PFC for Intentional Torts
- Act by the Defendent
- Intent
- Causation
General Principles of Intentional Torts
- In determining if P has a COA - ignore his hypersensitivities, assume you are dealing with someone of ordinary sensitivity
- For intentional torts, there are no incapacity defenses
- All of these intentional torts HAVE the element of INTENT
Definition of Intent
Intent = acting on a desire to produce the legally forbidden consequence
An act by a defenent, what is required is:
Volitional movement by D
Types of Intent
- General
- Specific
General Intent
actor knows with substantial certainty that these consequences will result
Specific Intent
purpose in acting is to bring about the specific consequence
Rule for Causation in the PFC for intentional Torts
- Result must have been legally caused by the D or something set in motion by him
- Causation is satisfied when Ds conduct was a substantial factor in bringing about the injury
Intentional Torts
- Battery
- Assault
- False Imprisonment
- Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress
- Trespass to Lands
- Trespass to Chattels
- Conversion
Transferred Intent may be invoked in which intentional torts?
- Battery
- Assault
- False Imprisonment
- Trespass to Lands
- Trespass to Chattels
- Harmful or Offensive Contact
- to Plaintiff’s person
- Intent; and
- Causation
Damages not Required
Harmful Contact Standard
Contact causes actual injury, pain or disfigurement
Offensive Contact Standard
- An offensive contact is an unpermitted contact by an ordinary person (ignore hypersensitivities)
- Ex: Groping, harassment, sexual harassment, or any not normal shit etc.
Contact for Harmful or Offensive Contact
- Consent is a defense and will be implied for ordinary contacts of everyday life
- Contact can be direct (striking) or indirect (setting traps)
- Contact does not have to be instantaneous for battery
- Ex: Poisoning
Plaintiff’s Person
Includes anything the P is holding or touching - anything connected to the P