Industries And Energy Flashcards
Changes in industry
*some industries are changing because they are being moved to countries where products could be made for cheaper and they could pay workers less
Conventional vs alternative energy sources
Conventional = energy sources that people use often (well-established) Alternative = better but less commonly found (growing)
Fossil fuels
Fossils fuels are the remains of dead organisms being compressed underground for billions of years. Energy found by burning to ashes
Renewable vs non renewable
Renewable= energy source that we will not run out of (wind, solar) Non-renewable = energy source that if we use it too often we will run out of if (cal, gas)
HIBERNIA is the biggest oil field in Newfoundland. Consists of two parts. The top sides production facility. And the gravity base structure
Types of mining
The types of mining are : strip mining, underground mining and open pit mining
Techniques to retrieve oil from ground
Flowing wells= natural pressure wells, controlled by valves (Christmas tree)
Non-flowing wells= using electric or gasoline powered pumps must be used “nodding horse” or “grasshopper”
Metallic vs industrial, minerals
Metallic= Minerals with a high specific gravity and metallic luster, such as titanium, rutile, tungsten, uranium, tin, lead, iron, etc.
Industrial = consist of stone quarries and clay and sand pits; chemical and fertiliser mineral deposits; salt deposits; deposits of quartz, gypsum, natural gem stones, asphalt and bitumen, peat and other non-metallic minerals other than coal and petroleum.
East coast
The fishery where cod and hammock are found in the Grand Banks.
one of the world greatest fishing grounds because of the great conditions the waters had.
West coast
Fish caught here hacer higher market value. Lots of salmon (coho, chum, pink, spring,and sockeye) most common fish are salmon, herring, halibut, cod, flounder, red-fish, clams and oysters
Inland fisheries
Distributed through Great Lakes, lake Winnipeg, great slave lake and 600 others. Ontario has the most important one. Whitefish, perch, and pickerel are marketed. Inland is less important than others
Reasons of east coast fishery collapse
Overfishing of cod lead to there being no more cod left, so they had to stop for a while
Methods of fishing
Weir fishing
Purse seining
Used to catch ground fish. Net is weighed to bottom or left to drift
Purse seining
A wall of webbing used to encircle the fish rather than towing
Weir fishing
Poles are driven into the waters muddy bottom heart shaped figure
Uses a cone shaped net that is towed along the bottom of the ocean to catch ground fish
Clear-cutting vs selective cutting
Clear cutting= cheapest way of harvesting wood. Cutting all trees even if they are not necessary
Selective cutting= less disruptive, cost more because it takes more time to pick and choose which trees to cut
Commercial vs not-commercial forests
Commercial= harvested easily (logging) Non-commercial = rarely harvested because of natural vegetation or doesn’t wield good wood
Smallest and largest forest regions
Largest = boreal and tundra
Hardwood vs softwood
Hardwood= used for furniture or construction
Softwood= used for paint or paper
Greenhouse effect diagram
Look up
Strip mining
Used to mine oil sands, coal, and other minerals that are located in the horizontal layers near the earths surface
Open pit mining
Is used to mine minerals that are found near the surface, but that also may extend deep into the ground
Underground mixing
Is used to extract mineral ores located deep in the earth