Industrialism Flashcards
creator of the light bulb; created the first major electricity company in the United States
Thomas Edison
taking an existing product or object and making it better
an economic system in which industries are controlled privately by companies and corporations
creator of the first telephone; later established the first telephone company
Alexander Graham Bell
Orville and Wilbur; creators of the airplane
Wright Brothers
a method of steelmaking invented in 1855 that enabled steel to be made more cheaply and quickly; brought to the U.S. on a large scale by Andrew Carnegie.
Bessemer Process
through the use of factories, identical pieces duplicated time and again for a larger product
interchangeable parts
pioneered in this period by Henry Ford; each worker in a factory is responsible for one part of the assembly of a product; enabled for faster production
assembly line
any financial asset-including money, machines, and buildings-used in production
large companies that are controlled by stock-holders, or people who buy pieces of the company; usually part of a larger industry
wealthiest man in the world by 1900; bought up and controlled the oil industry; Standard Oil
John D. Rockefeller
was head of the largest steel company in America; was briefly the wealthiest man after selling his company to Rockefeller; known for his giving away of his wealth to establish libraries and educational grants
Andrew Carnegie
company created by Rockefeller; broken up by Congress after it was found to be a monopoly.
Standard Oil
when one company controls all aspects of that industry; no competition exists
a set of companies managed by a small group known as trustees, who can prevent companies from competing with each other
when one company buys up as many companies within the same industry; ex. all the manufacturers or all of the distribution centers.
horizontal integration
when one company buys up all aspects of production in their industry; ex. raw materials, manufacturing, storage distribution, etc.
vertical integration
economic approach that the government will not interfere in the open business market; “let it be”
“laissez faire”
an idea, based on Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution, that the best-run businesses led by the most capable people will survive and prosper;
social Darwinism
an 1890 federal law that outlawed trusts, monopolies, and other forms of business that restricted trade
Sherman Antitrust Act