Industrial & Agricultural Revolution (the basics) Flashcards
What was the Industrial revolution?
The Industrial Revolution was the transition to new manufacturing processes in Great Britain, continental Europe, and the United States, that occurred during the period from around 1760 to about 1820–1840.
Where did the industrial revolution start and when?
The industrial revolution is an era that started in England at the end of the 18th century.
How much Phases of the industrial revolution are there?
There are 3 phases of the industrial revolution.
Describe the first phase of the industrial revolution.
The first phases (1770s to 1860s) started with Britian and then spread to other countries in Northern and Western Europe and the United states.
Describe the second phase of the industrial revolution.
The second phase (1870s to 1950s) brought in russia, Japan, other parts of Eastern and Southern Europe, Australia, and New Zealand.
Describe the third phase of the industrial revolution.
The third phase (1960s to present) brought the so-called Asian tigers (Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan, South Korea) and has seen tentative development in key economic sectors in Turkey, India, Brazil, Chile, and Argentina.
Name two industries that Germany dominated by 1914.
Steel production, and in many branches of chemicals and engineering
Why was transport so important to the industrialisation of the United States.
Because Industrial development depended on transport of all kinds. Canal building started in the 1800s and steamboats were used extensively, Railways build throughout the country provided access to raw materials and to a massive national market.
Why did Japan decide to industrialise?
Becuase after plenty of time of shielding themselves off from the world US ships arrive 2 being steam powered and Japan knowing they could not defeat them and never have seen this technolodgy agreed to open their doors to trade.
Name two factors that assisted the industrailsation of Australia
Australia was settled by the British during the Industrial Revolution and new technologies were adopted very quickly.
Which country generated the greatest amount of steam power in 1860?
Great Britian
Was France more Industrialised that Russia in 1880?
Which two countries were most industrialised in 1888?
Great Britian and Germany
What two factors had to happen for the Industrial revolution to take place?
Population needed to increase, Population had to leave the fields to work in factories
Who was Jethro Tull?
Born 1674, Basildon, Berkshire, England died Feb 21 1741 Prosperous Farm, near Hungerford, Berkshire
An agricultural pioneer and the inventor of the seed drill, the horse drawn hoe, and an improved plough
Who was Joseph Folijambe?
Joseph Foljambe was born in the early 1700s and died March 1756
Joseph Foljambe patented the Rotherham triangular plough which has an iron blade that was lighter and easier to use than the traditional wooden plough.
Who was Charles Townshed?
Born August 27, 1725—died September 4, 1767, London, England
British chancellor of the Exchequer whose measures for the taxation of the British American colonies intensified the hostilities that eventually led to the American Revolution.
Who was Robert Bakewell?
Born 1725, Dishley, Leicestershire, England—died October 1, 1795, Dishley
Agriculturist who revolutionized sheep and cattle breeding in England by methodical selection, inbreeding, and culling
What lead to the Agricultural Revolution?
Four crop rotation, Selective Breeding, Cheap food, New inventions
What was the four crop rotation?
The sequence of four crops (wheat, turnips, barley and clover), included a fodder crop and a grazing crop, allowing livestock to be bred year-round. The four-field crop rotation became a key development in the British Agricultural Revolution.
What is selective breeding?
Selective breeding involves choosing parents with particular characteristics to breed together and produce offspring with more desirable characteristics.
What were some costs of the industrial revolution?
-low pay
-gap between rich and boor widens
-child labour
-many deaths due to dangerous working conditions
-poor sanitation
How did inventions change the nature of work?
They changed the nature of work because instead of skilled labour it was just working machines as it was much more effiencent than doing it by hand.
What were some of the costs of the industrial revolution?
Exhausted workers suffered accidents from machines that had no safety devices. They might lose a finger, a limb, or even their lives. And poor senitaion lead to the spread of disease.
What was the agricultral revolution?
The Agricultural Revolution was the unprecedented increase in agricultural production in Britain due to increases in labor and land productivity between the mid-17th and late 19th centuries.
list reasons for the causes of the Agricultural & Industrial Revolutions
agricultural revolution, access to raw materials, wealthy middle class, cheap labour, transport system and expanding empire.