Induction of Labour Flashcards
Name some Maternal indications for beginning an Induction of Labour
Post Dates PROM Diabestes Hypertension Cholestasis Obstetric History
Name some Fetal indications for beginning an Induction of Labour
IUGR Macrosomia Non-reassuring fetal wellbeing studies Iso-Immunisation Fetal Death
Contraindications to Induction of Labour
Placenta previa Transverse lie or compound presentation HIV +ve not on treatment or with a viral load of 400copies/ml or more Active genital herpes Cord presentation/prolapse Acute fetal compromise Known cephalo-pelvic disproportion
Complications associated with Induction of Labour
Failure of induction
Uterine hyperstimulation
Fetal distress
Ruptured uterus
Hypertonic contractions greater than 2 mins
Increased risk of operative vaginal birth, increased risk of birth trauma and increased risk of PPH
When should the midwife consider offering a membrane sweep or ‘stretch and sweep’?
Primiparous women- 40 wks of gestation and 41 wks of gestation
Multiparous women- 41 wks of gestation
If the cervix is long and closed what is an alternative to membrane sweeping?
Massaging around the vaginal fornix may produce similar effects
Side effects of membrane sweeping?
Possible spotting
Possible painful and irregular cramping
According the the bishops score, when can prostaglandins be administered?
When the bishops score is less than 5
Mechanism of action of prostaglandins?
Replicate prostaglandin produced in early labour to ripen the cervix leading to relaxation dilatation
What are the two common types of prostaglandins?
Prostin Gel - 1mg (Multips) or 2mg (Primips) repeated does must be at least 6 hrs apart. Max dose 3 mg.
Cervidil 1x 10mg pessary removed at or before 12 h rs. Slow release
Care before administration of prostin
Abdominal Palpation: lie, presentation, descent
Pre- Prostin CTG (should also be repeated after administration)
Ensure that her bladder is empty
Name three mechanical methods for cervical ripening
Foley’s Catheter
Atad catheter
Laminara tents
Indication for ARM
To induce labour if cervix is favourable and presenting part is fixed in pelvis
What should an ARM be performed with (usually)
Does research show that an ARM alone is the most effective way to begin an induction of labour.
No. Research demonstrated that an ARM should be used with a syntocinon infusion if the woman does not establish into labour within 4 hrs
What dose of synto is usually used?
10IU in 1000ml of Hartmans or N/Saline
How often should the dose of synto be titrated
Every 30 minutes according to incramental syntocinon infusion regime
Risks of synto infusion
Uterine hyperstimulation Fetal hypoxia and axphysia Uterine rupture Fluid retention PPH AFE