Indorsements Flashcards
Special Indorsement
Names a particular person as indorsee. That person must sign for instrument to be further negotiated.
Blank Indorsement
Creates “bearer” paper. Can then be negotiated by delivery alone.
(ex. Just signing name. How most people indorse paychecks)
Multiple Indorsements
If indorsed several times, last indorsement controls what’s necessary for further negotiation.
Qualified Indorsement/Restrictive Indorsement
Qualified: With words “without recourse.” Limits contract liability imposed on indorsers.
Restrictive: Language added to an indorsement intending to “restrict” it to a certain payer or condition isn’t usually valid.
“for deposit” or “for collection” requiring bank collection is valid.
Anamalous (Surety) Indorsement
Made by someone who is not a holder but for some accommodation purpose. They become liable on the instrument.