IndonesianPod101 Level 1 Flashcards
Thank you
Terima kasih
Thank you very much
Terima kasih banyak
I’m returning the thanks
Terima kasih kembali
You’re welcome
Same to you
This please (informal)
Minta ini
This please (formal)
Boleh minta ini
That please (informal)
Minta itu
That please (formal)
Boleh minta itu
Hello, how are you?
Apa kabar?
Good morning.
Selamat pagi.
Good afternoon. (11AM - 3PM)
Selamat siang.
Good afternoon. (3PM - 6PM)
Selamat sore.
Good evening.
Selamat malam.
Goodbye. (to person staying)
Salamat tinggal.
Goodbye. (to person leaving)
Selamat jalan.
Until we happen to meet
Sampai ketemu.
Until we meet.
Sampai jumpa.
Until later.
Sampai nanti.
The bathroom, where is it?
Kamar kecil di mana?
Where is the bathroom?
Di mana kamar kecil?
Where’s the WC?
Di mana WC?
Can you speak English?
Apa bisa berbahasa Inggris?
Can you speak Japanese?
Apa bisa berbahasa Jepang?
I don’t understand. (formal)
Saya tidak mengerti.
I don’t understand. (informal)
Nggak ngerti
Slowly please
Tolong pelan-pelan
Once again slowly please
Tolong diulangi pelan-pelan sekali lagi
Once again please
Tolong diulangi sekali lagi
I’m sorry.
I ask for forgiveness. (medium formality)
Minta maaf.
I ask for forgiveness. (high formality)
Mohon maaf.
No problem. (lit. “it’s nothing”)
Tidak apa-apa.
What is your name? (formal)
Siapa nama Anda?
My name is Rob.
Nama saya Rob.
Are you Indonesian?
Orang Indonesia?
Yes, I’m Indonesian.
Ya, saya orang Indonesia.
Edi is not a teacher.
Mas Edi bukan guru.
He is a kind person.
Dia orang baik.
Where are you going? (formal)
Anda mau kemana?
I live in America.
Saya tinggal di Amerika.
What’s it called?
Apa namanya?
I’m fine.
Saya baik.
It’s very cold.
Dingin sekali.
How are you today?
Apa kabar hari ini?
Ms. Tuti is very nice.
MBak Tuti baik sekali.
Do you want to go for a walk?
Mau jalan-jalan?
When you come, where do you want to go?
Kalau datang, mau kemana?
What for?
Untuk apa?
What are your symptoms?
Apa saja gejalanya?
What’s your favorite color?
Apa warna kesukaanmu?
What are you talking about?
Apa yang sedang kamu bicarakan?
What is this?
Apa ini?
My grandmother gave me this.
Nenek saya memberi saya ini.
That’s a coffee shop.
Itu warung.
Ma’am, do you want to go for a walk?
Bu, mau jalan-jalan?
Where is the exit?
Di mana pintu keluarnya?
You must go out here.
Harus keluar di sini.
Oh I see. (lit. “it’s like that”)
O, begitu.
Yes, I want it.
Ya, saya mau.
What’s your job?
Kerjanya apa?
Where is your job?
Kerjanya di mana?
The bank is closed.
Bank ini tutup.
Our teacher is very strict.
Guru kami sangat ketat.
My teacher is very smart.
Guru saya pintar sekali.
He is an English teacher at the university.
Dia adalah seorang guru bahasa Inggris di universitas.
Where do you want to go now?
Mau kemana sekarang?
It’s three o’clock now.
Sekarang pukul tiga.
What do you want to do now?
Kamu mau melakukan apa sekarang?
My vacation started.
Liburan saya mulai.
The answer is true.
Jawabannya betul.
Yes, that’s right.
Ya, betul.
My older brother lives in a different city.
Kakak saya singgal di kota lain.
Today is good.
Hari ini bagus.
I want to come along, too!
Saya mau ikut juga!
Do you want to go to the Keraton as well?
Apa mau ke Keraton juga?
I also went to the dentist last week.
Saya juga pergi ke dokter gigi minggu lalu.
Wow, this is very delicious!
Wah, enak sekali!
The teacher is great.
Guru itu hebat.
Where do you want to go later tonight?
Mau kemana nanti malam?
I work hard during the day, so I relax in the evening.
Saya bekerja keras di siang hari jadi saya bersantai di malam hari.
Ever seen shadow puppets? No, I haven’t.
Pernah nonton wayang kulit? Belum pernah.