Indonesian Positional Vocabulary Flashcards
di atas
Buku ada di atas meja
on, above
The book is on the table
di bawah
Kucing tidur di bawah kursi
under, below
The cat is sleeping under the chair
di depan
Mobil parkir di depan rumah.
in front of
The car is parked in front of the house.
di belakang
Taman berada di belakang sekolah
The garden is behind the school.
di luar
Anak-anak bermain di luar rumah.
The children are playing outside the house
di dalam
Mereka sedang makan di dalam restoran
They are eating inside the restaurant
di kiri
Apotek ada di kiri jalan.
on the left
The pharmacy is on the left side of the street
di kanan
Bank ada di kanan kantor pos
on the right
The bank is on the right of the post office
di tengah
Lampu gantung ada di tengah ruangan.
in the middle
The chandelier is in the middle of the room
di antara
Dia duduk di antara dua teman
He is sitting between two friends
Silakan duduk di kursi ini.
to sit
Please sit on this chair.
Tolong berdiri ketika guru masuk.
to stand
Please stand when the teacher enters