Individuals shaping Imperialism before ww1 Flashcards
What explorers had influence?
-David Livingstone
-John Kirk
-Sir Richard Burton
-John Hanning Speke
What did David Livingstone do?
-Travelled as missionary doctor in South Africa 1841
-Returned to Britain to huge acclaim in 1856 conducting lectures and recounting findings
-“I go back to Africa to open up a path for commerce and Christianity” ->Began an exploration along coast of Zambesi river in 1858
-Wrote over 2000 letters back to Britain, thrilling public
-1866 went missing, found living in a small village 1871, died in 1873
What did John Kirk do?
-Scottish physician, explored waterways with Livingstone, collected aquatic specimens and sent back to Britian
-Returned to Africa in 1868 as medical officer in Zanzibar, lived out rest of career until 1886 as a diplomat
-Ensured Zanzibar operates as a British Client State
What did Sir Richard Burton do?
-Linguistic scholar, explorer and adventurer who became famous in the 1850s for his stories of Muslim life and manners
-Took an expedition inland from island of Zanzibar in 1857 to 1858, forced by Malaria to abandon
-Him and Speke quarreled and he spent his final years publishing 43 volumes with 5 books on West African customs
-Wild and dangerous reputation for daring essays on sexual topics
What did John Hanning Speke do?
-Joined Burton in his quest to find source of the Nile in 1857
-First Europeans to reach Lake Tanganyika 1858
-1858 named a great lake Lake Victoria
-His conclusions of the lake sourcing the Nile rejected by Burton
-Speke killed by his own gun while hunting
What are 5 types of missionaries?
-Roman Catholics
What are Anglicans?
Members of protestant church of england - Monarch at its head
What are Roman Catholics?
Those who believed the pope to be head of the christian church, didn’t accept anglicanism
What are non-conformists?
Members of protestant church which acts independently from church of England (This is Presbyterians or Methodists)
What are Presbyterians?
Protestant non-conformist denomination of Christianity, derived from Calvanist ideas of a Church which preferred simple services - no bishops (strong in scotland)
What are methodists?
Protestant non-conformists who have ideas based on work of Charles and John Wesley, share similar views with Presbyterians
What were missionaries attitudes in this time period?
-They were extremely active overseas in the 19th century
-This movement represented a distinct “Christian Imperialism”
-Shared a common conviction that world-wide conversion was possible and essential
Name a few missionaries…
-John Mackenzie
-Mary Slessor
-Mary Carpenter
-Amy Carmichael
-Samuel Crowther
What did John Mackenzie do?
In 1883 he put pressure on the British Government to establish a protectorate over Bechanualand, after this happened he was appointed Deputy Commissioner
What did Mary Slessor do?
She left the slums of Dundee to live among tribes of Calabar in Nigeria, she fought hard to end practise of killing twins which local tribes attributed to work of the devil
What two other previously learned missionaries could be talked about?
Amy Carmichael and Mary Carpenter
What did Samuel Crowther do?
In 1880s clashed with Christian Missionary Society for accusations of being too relaxed towards tribal practises, he was foreced to resign from position as bishop in Church of England in 1891
Who were traders in this time period?
-Cecil Rhodes
-Sir William Mackinnon
-George Goldie
What did Cecil Rhodes do?
-Prime mover behind British expansion in South Africa
-At 18 set out for diamond fields of Kimberley, for next 17 years borrowed money from Rothschilds Bank and brough up all smaller diamond mining operations in Kimberley
-Created de beers, in 1888 he owned 90% of global diamond production
-Appointed PM of Cape Colony 1890-1896
What quotes did Cecil Rhodes make?
“furtherance of the British Empire and bringing of the whole of the uncivilised world under British rule”
“I contend that we are the finest race in the world and the more we inhabit, the better it is for the human race”
What did Sir William Mackinson do?
-Founded Calcutta and Burma Steam Navigation 1856
-Founded Imperial British East Africa Company, receiving royal charter 1888
-Found free church of Scotland East African Scottish Mission in Kibwezi 1891