individualistic theories Flashcards
what type of theory is banduras
learning theory
what type of theory is Freuds
what type of theory is esyenricks
claims of banduras theory
social learning theory has been linked to criminality with the idea that people learn by watching the behaviour of others and therefore criminals learn how to offend from watching family, peers, and the media.
4 criteria were needed to be met for imitation:
1. Attention to the role model’
2. Retention of the observer’s behaviour
3. Reproduction of the target behaviour
4. Motivation to imitate the observed behaviour.
what is reinforcement
can be direct a positive or negative consequence for imitating the model or indirect.
components of banduras theory
in the bobo doll experiment there were 3 groups of children who watched a video of an adult being aggressive towards the bobo doll, each group were shown different final scenes
The study showed that children who had witnessed the model being punished =least likely to be aggressive towards the doll. However, when these children were then asked to be aggressive towards the doll, they were able to be this showed That simply observing the behaviour did lead to learning behaviours. The consequences simply helped the child decide whether to perform the learnt behaviour.
what did the control group see
saw model being aggressive
what did the reward group see
saw model being rewarded.
what did the punishment group see
saw model being punished
credibility of banduras theory
Empirical research data was collected throughout observation and experience.
Was a control group and
The theory had scientific basis. It was a lab experiment and was highly controlled, (objective data)
This theory is reductionist because it doesn’t take into account any biological differences or social deprivation. It is only considering the learned behaviours.
It isn’t deterministic because we’ve seen the bobo doll experiment that an individual can decide whether or not to vary out the learned behaviour and this is usually based on consequences.
applications of banduras theory
This theory focuses on the importance of childhood experience when studying criminality and can help to explain criminality and families
The findings of Banduras research were used to influence the introduction of censorship rules on television
Shows how those who are already violent can become more violent especially males
refuting evidence of banduras theory
Research lacks ecological validity and that they may not be sampling behaviour as it occurs in real life situations
The study involves a child and an adult in a very limited social situation (the child and the adult are strangers to each other) observation normally takes place within the family where children are familiar with the adult
supporting evidence of banduras theory
Sutherland’s differential association 1939/ 1992 is supporting evidence, he found:
Criminal behavior is learned.
The learning is through association with other people
The main part of the learning takes place within close personal groups.
claims of Freuds theory
the best way to understand behaviour is to examine early childhood experiences.
criminality is linked to guilt
most of our mind is in an unconscious region
traumatic experiences in early childhood leave a mark on unconscious mind
what is the conscious mind
what we are aware of, contains thoughts and ideas that we are currently accessing