Individual Rights & Civil Liberties: State Action, DP, EP, Takings, 2nd Am Flashcards
individual rights governing rule and two key inquiries (trigger and scope)
• governing rule: The U.S. Constitution sets a minimum level of protection for individuals; states are usually free to grant broader protections (e.g., a state may go further and require large private shopping centers to permit persons to exercise free speech rights on shopping center property).
– A. Who is bound by these constitutional provisions? (i.e., the “state action” doctrine)
– B. Do these provisions apply to all governments—federal, state, and local? (i.e., “incorporation”)
state action rule and 3 subrules
• The Constitution applies only to government action; it does not apply to government inaction. Moreover, the Constitution generally does not apply to the actions or inactions of private individuals and companies.
– 1. Congress may, by statute, require private individuals to conform to constitutional standards
– 2. There are some instances where private individuals and companies will be considered “state actors” subject to the 14th Amendment:
• if a private person or company is performing a traditional, exclusive government function (e.g., operating a company town or conducting a primary election)
• the government affirmatively authorizes, encourages, or facilitates an unconstitutional activity; for example:
– court enforcement (equitable or legal) of a racially restrictive covenant in a deed or lease
– peremptory challenges (civil and criminal)
– the government leases space to a business that discriminates
– a private association that regulates high school athletics with mostly government members and funding
– 3. A private company or association will not be considered a “state actor” solely because:
• The government provides its funding, even 99% of its funding
• The government has licensed the company
• The government has approved the company’s name and charter
• The association has government members
• The government regulates the company
• The company is working under a government contract
incorporation (rule and why its relevant)
• By it terms, the Bill of Rights applies only to the federal government. The Supreme Court, however, has held that all of the Bill of Rights have been incorporated into the 14th Amendment and thus made applicable to state and local governments, except for the:
– Fifth Amendment’s right to a grand jury in a criminal case
– Seventh Amendment’s right to a jury in a civil case
due process generally (where found and what it comprises)
• 1. There are two due process clauses in the Constitution. The due process clause of the 5th Amendment applies to the federal government, and the due process clause of the 14th Amendment applies to state and local governments. The two clauses have been construed identically.
• 2. Due process has two parts: procedural due process and substantive due process.
– A. Procedural Due Process requires the government to use a fair process and procedures before depriving an individual of life, liberty, or property (i.e. notice and opportunity to be heard)
– B. Substantive Due Process is designed to ensure that laws are reasonable and not arbitrary (by protecting fundamental rights)
PDP - premise; 3 elements and what they trigger
– premise: before the government may deprive an individual (not a group) of liberty (i.e., freedom from confinement) or property (e.g., government job, government benefits, government license), the government must give the person notice of termination (including the reasons for termination) and some form of hearing.
– Elements:
• individualized deprivation
• intentional/purposeful government action
• life/liberty/property interest
• these trigger: meaningful notice and opportunity to be heard by a neutral decisionmaker
SDP (level of scrutiny, fundamental rights, examples; when does rational basis kick in?)
– If a law DIRECTLY AND SUBSTANTIALLY IMPAIRS a “fundamental right,” the court will apply Strict Scrutiny and the law will probably be invalidated. Fundamental rights are those rooted in the history and traditions of America. They include not only those rights enumerated in the Bill of Rights, but also certain implied privacy rights, namely:
• the right to control the education and upbringing of one’s children
• the right to acquire and use contraceptives (regardless of age)
• the right to marry (including same-sex and interracial marriages)
• the right to procreate (no forced sterilization)
• the right to custody of one’s children (e.g., a grandparent visitation law has been found to violate this right)
• the right of family members to live together (includes extended family, but not unrelated persons)
• right to engage in adult, consensual, non-commercial sex in a private setting
• the right of a competent adult to refuse life sustaining medical treatment, hydration, and food
»> a state may require clear and convincing evidence of the patient’s intent to refuse life sustaining medical treatment, hydration, and food
»> there is no right to commit suicide or for assistance to commit suicide
»> a state may force parents to obtain medical care for children
**note: laws that touch upon these privacy rights, but do not necessarily burden these rights (like an age requirement for marriage) will get rational basis review
SDP abortion tests
- Although a woman has a constitutional right to decide to terminate a pregnancy, that right is subject to its own form of scrutiny:
- viability: halfway through pregnancy (so halfway through the second trimester); or approximately 24 weeks
- Test for pre-viability regulations: does the regulation impose an undue burden (i.e., a substantial obstacle) on the woman’s right
- the following regulations impose an undue burden:
- a spousal consent or notification requirement
- requirement that doctor have “admitting privileges” at nearby hospital
- requirement that clinics have hospital-grade facilities
• the following regulations do NOT impose an undue burden:
- informed consent requirements - 24-hour waiting period - requirement that abortions be performed by a licensed physician - parental notice/consent for a minor’s abortion, *****if the law contains a judicial bypass
- Test for post-viability abortions: a state may ban such abortions, as long as there are exceptions for abortions necessary to protect the life or health of the mother
- There is no right to government-subsidized abortions, and there is no requirement that public hospitals perform abortions
SDP when no fundamental right is involved (rule and exception)
– Default (When no Fundamental Right Involved)
• rule: If the government regulation does not interfere with a fundamental right (or abortion), the regulation will be subject to the rational basis test and thus will probably be upheld.
»> **i.e. we use rational basis to prevent “arbitrary government action” – will come up occasionally – usually a losing argument, but it is an argument you can make!!
- Exception: “Grossly excessive” punitive damage awards violate the Due Process Clause
- Punitive damages that exceed compensatory damages by a ratio of more than 9:1 are probably “grossly excessive”
- Punitive damages are less likely to be found excessive if the defendant committed an intentional or reckless tort causing serious personal injuries
three EP fundamental rights based claims
right to vote
right to travel
access to courts
EP fundamental right to vote (examples of valid and invalid restrictions)
• There is a fundamental right to vote in national, state, and local elections; restrictions on voting, other than those based on age (18), residency, and citizenship, are generally invalid
- The following restrictions are invalid:
- a requirement that voters have children in order to vote in a school board election
- poll taxes or educational requirements
- property ownership (except for “water district” elections)
- The following restrictions are valid:
- presentation of government-issued photo I.D.
- proof of residency for a short period (e.g., 30 days)
EP fundamental right to vote (one person one vote rule; exceptions; racial gerrymandering; validity of measuring by “total population”)
One person-one vote rule (e.g., the seats in both houses of a state legislature must be apportioned on a population basis)
- **stricter mathematical accuracy required for federal congressional districts!
- exceptions: appointments of officials and at-large elections are valid (b/c not done by district) as long as not used to suppress minority voting power
- racial gerrymandering must meet strict scrutiny if race was a “predominant factor” in drawing the district’s lines
- states may measure districts by counting “total population” instead of eligible voters
EP fundamental right to vote (candidate ballot fees and racial voting restrictions)
- Ballot fees and restrictions imposed on candidates are subject to strict scrutiny
- Filing fees—even if reasonable in amount—must be waived for indigent candidates.
- Racial restrictions on voting are invalid under the 15th Amendment
- The 15th Amendment requires proof of “purposeful intent” to discriminate on the basis of race
EP fundamental right to travel
- There is a fundamental right to travel interstate and to be treated like a long-term resident once becoming a permanent resident of a state
- Laws that prohibit entering or leaving a state must meet strict scrutiny
- Durational residency requirements are subject to strict scrutiny, but some have been upheld
- one year for welfare benefits: invalid
- one year for subsidized medical care: invalid
- one year to vote: invalid
- one year for a divorce: VALID
- one year for reduced tuition at public universities: VALID
- **do not get this mixed up with privileges and immunities! this is not discrimination against US citizenship or out of state citizenship – EP here deals with in state residents being treated differently because they haven’t lived their long enough
- Benefits that distinguish between long-term and short-term residents are subject to strict scrutiny (and probably also violate the 14th Amendment’s Privileges and Immunities Clause)
- Federal restrictions on international travel are subject only to the Rational Basis Test
EP fundamental right to access to courts
– Laws denying indigents access to the courts where some fundamental liberty interest is at stake have been invalidated, including:
• the fee for a trial transcript, which was necessary for a convicted criminal to appeal
• the filing fee required to initiate divorce proceedings
• the fee charged for blood tests in paternity proceedings
• the fee to prepare the appellate record in a termination of parental rights action
– But courts have upheld fees where no fundamental liberty interest was at stake, including:
• the fee for filing a bankruptcy petition
• the fee to secure review of eligibility for welfare benefits
EP general premise & requirement; reverse incorporation
– The Equal Protection Clause guarantees that similarly situated persons will be treated alike.
– If a law PURPOSELY discriminates against a group, the law will be subject to the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment or the due process clause of the 5th Amendment for the federal government (i.e., reverse incorporation).
• Can Include (each requires intent to discriminate):
»> Facial discrimination,
»> Discriminatory application, or
»> Disparate impact & discriminatory intent
• If the law does not “purposely” discriminate, it will be subject to the rational basis test.
– The level of scrutiny to apply will depend on what group is being singled out. There are three classifications for equal protection, outlined below.
EP suspect classes (level of scrutiny)
- Discrimination in favor of or against suspect classes is subject to strict scrutiny and will rarely be upheld. There are three suspect classes:
- Race (any race - includes affirmative action)
- National origin (ancestry)
- Alienage (sometimes)
EP quasi-suspect classes (level of scrutiny)
• Discrimination in favor of or against quasi-suspect classes is subject to intermediate scrutiny and will rarely be upheld. There are two quasi-suspect classes:
**remember: discrimination must be purposeful here as well
• Gender: the government must show an “exceedingly persuasive justification” for laws that intentionally discriminate based on traditional stereotypes. - sort of an “intermediate scrutiny PLUS” standard
- But laws designed to remedy past discrimination against women (e.g., different methods used to calculate social security benefits or different periods for military promotions) are valid
• Non-Marital Children: A law that treats non-marital children (i.e., those born out of wedlock) differently than marital children is subject to intermediate scrutiny.
- Example of a valid law: a law that requires non-marital children to prove paternity before inheriting from their father is valid, because it treats some non-marital children (i.e., those that can prove paternity) the same as marital children - Example of invalid law: a law that prohibits all non-marital children from inheriting from their fathers, but allows all marital children to so inherit, is invalid
EP “other classifications” (level of scrutiny)
• Except for classifications based on suspect or quasi-suspect classes, all other classifications are subject to the Rational Basis Test, and thus will generally be upheld. This includes classifications based on age, wealth, education, disabilities, etc.
• Such classifications, however, must be based on “legitimate” government interests.
»> The Court has held that irrational prejudice, societal fear, or the desire to harm a politically unpopular group (gay men, mentally retarded adults, children of illegal aliens, hippies) is not a “legitimate” government interest.
three main rules for takings clause
- Federal, state, and local governments usually have eminent domain power.
- Governments may take private property for public use, but the private landowner is entitled to just compensation.
- Real property, personal property, and intangibles may be the subject of a “taking.”
takings clause flowchart (3 questions)
Question One: Has there been a “taking” of property?
• Has there been physical invasion of property (per se taking)?
- Government invades, condemns, destroys (floods) or confiscates private property; or
- Government orders private landowner to permit public or third-party access
• If not, has a government regulation diminished the use and/or value of private property?
- All economically viable use = per se taking (unless the regulation was designed to suppress a common law nuisance)
»> **even to just a small portion of the land
- Otherwise, Ad Hoc Balancing Test: - -- the character of the government action - -- the protection of the owner's reasonable, investment-backed expectations - -- the economic impact of the regulation on the particular owner * **ppty owner likely to fail to establish there was a taking
• If not, has the government conditioned a building or construction permit or zoning variance or petition on the owner’s agreement to grant an easement to the government or the public or to set aside land for public or third party use or to make a monetary exaction?
- Test: Is there an essential nexus between the condition and a legitimate government interest and is the condition “roughly proportional” to the projected impact of the owner’s development? If not, it is a taking.
• Question Two: If there has been a taking, was it for a “public use”?
- Answer: Yes (never been a USSC case with a “no” – public use is “anything with a public purpose” and covers pretty much government action in this area)
• Question Three: If there has been a “taking” for a “public use,” the government must pay “just compensation.”
- The government must pay FMV: the loss to the owner, not the gain to the taker - The landowner is not entitled to damages for loss of business or “good will” or for moving expenses
the second amendment
• The Second Amendment guarantees the right to purchase, carry, and use typical weapons (e.g., handguns) for the purpose of self-defense. The Second Amendment does not guarantee the right to carry “dangerous or unusual weapons.”
– Gun control laws are subject to at least intermediate scrutiny.
• The Second Amendment’s right to keep and bear arms applies to state and local governments via the 14th Amendment.
PDP - property interests; liberty interests
– property interests
• rule: a person clearly must have more than an abstract need/desire for it or a unilateral expectation of it – he must, instead, have a legitimate claim of entitlement to it
• common examples: house, car, public education, welfare benefits, term employment
– liberty interests
• rule: a liberty interest may arise from the Constitution itself, by reason of guarantees implicit in the word “liberty,” or it may arise from an expectation/interest created by state law/policies
- common examples: right to education, right to parental custody, any change in legal status, right to engage in gainful employment, right to vote
- rule: reputation alone (like putting someone’s picture up in your store as a shoplifter), apart from some more tangible interests such as employment, is neither liberty nor property by itself sufficient to invoke protection of the DPC
PDP - test for what process is due; concrete examples
the sufficiency of process (be it an administrative procedure, a trial, deprivation hearing etc.) depends on these three factors:
• (1) the private interest that will be affected by the official action,
»> ex) with disability you have more alternative options than for social security
- (2) the risk of an erroneous deprivation of such interest through the procedures used, and the probable value, if any, of additional or substitute procedural safeguards,
- (3) the gov’t’s interest, including the function involved and the fiscal and administrative burdens that the additional/substitute procedural requirement would entail (deference given to the administrative agency)
GENERALLY: the greater the deprivation, the greater the process due
Examples of the process due in particular cases:
- welfare benefits: notice and an evidentiary hearing prior to termination
- jobs: pre-termination opportunity to respond; post-termination evidentiary hearing, unless the job was probationary or short-term
- suspension from school for more than 10 days: notice and opportunity to explain (no evidentiary hearing required)
- prejudgment attachment: preferably pre-attachment hearing, but post-attachment hearing will suffice in emergencies with a bond
- driver’s license suspension: pre-suspension hearing, except for refusal to take a Breathalyzer
- termination of parental rights: pre-termination notice and hearing with a clear and convincing evidence standard
- termination of business license: pre-termination notice and some form of fair hearing
SDP and EP interplay; constitutional sources for fed vs state
SDP and EP Interplay: if a law denies the right to everyone then DP would be the best grounds for analysis; but if a law denies a right to some, while allowing it to others, the discrimination can be challenged as offending EP and/or DP
DP Sources: 5th Am DP Clause for Fed; 14th Am DP Clause for States
EP Sources: 5th Am DP Clause for Fed; 14th Am EP Clause for States
EP Suspect Classes - race & schools (3 rules)
• general rule for AA in all schools: schools are NOT permitted to engage in “racial balancing for race’s sake” (constitutionally impermissible under Bakke)
»> ex) setting a 30 percent minority teacher hiring goal because it racks the percentage of minority students in the school system generally is a no go
• In Higher Education (public universities)
»> governing rule: in a permissible AA program, race or ethnic background may be deemed as a “plus factor” in a particular applicant’s file, yet it does not insulate the individual from comparison with all other candidates for available seats (Bakke)
»> here, there is a compelling interest in having a diverse student body (regulation must still be narrowly tailored)
• In Public Schools
»> governing rule: desegregation of schools requires that the state/local school districts being affected have been a substantial cause of interdistrict segregation (Milliken)
»> here, there is a compelling govt’l interest in remedying the effects of specific past discrimination in the district (but not in merely regulating for “diversity” purposes)
EP Suspect Classes - alienage
- laws that treat documented residents (legal residents who are not U.S. citizens) differently than U.S. citizens are sometimes subject to strict scrutiny
- federal laws: Rational Basis Test only
• state laws: Strict Scrutiny (e.g., state laws requiring U.S. citizenship to practice law, become an engineer, receive welfare benefits, qualify for civil service jobs, or receive a notary public license)
»> Exceptions: state laws concerning self-government (voting, jury duty, elective office, police officers) and the democratic process (PUBLIC GRADE SCHOOL teachers, probation officers) are subject to the Rational Basis Test
EP Suspect Classes - government contracting & employment (rule)
• rule: to utilize a race-conscious AA program, the relevant govt’l entity must identify public or private discrimination w specificity and may only use a race-conscious solution to address the specific established injury (like public grade schools)
EP Suspect Classes - race & the political process (rule & 3 exceptions)
• general rule: voters may restructure the political process to place obstacles in the paths of anyone and everyone who is seeking to secure the benefits of govt’l action
• Exceptions
»> you may not deny a politically unpopular group access to the political process
»> when the political process or decision-making mechanism used to address racially conscious legislation (and only such legislation) is singled out for disadvantageous treatment, the govt’l action plainly rests on distinctions based on race and is therefore invalid
»> you may not stack limitations