individual level health psych interventions Flashcards
What is health psych
focuses on how our thought processses, emo and beh = impact = physical health
What does a healthh psych do?
Use knowledge of psychologist and health to promoted well-being and understand physicall illness
- promote healthy lifestyles
- improve health systems
Indiv lvl beh change - health psychologists = specifically trained to deliver interventions focused on beh change - specific guidelines include:
- asses ppts health in relation to beh and type of action needed
- ensure intensity of intervention matches person’s need for support
- discuss w ppt what impact of changing beh may be
- review prog
Intervs should be tailored to indiv - diff levels of intensity depending on lvl of risk to indiv:
brief interv
delivered by any healthcare pro to motivate ppl to change beh that = may be damaging to their health
extended interv
delivered by beh change specialists to ppl who = more at risk
theory of indiv level beh change - 4 sets of it
Attributions - wether you think be = in ur control or not
Risk Perception - how suscepribale u r to harm
Motivation - why you choose to persom the beh
Self-efficacy - how capable you believe you are to perform the beh
Health psych brings together diff models that have been proposed over the years into an integrated model = COM-B
Combines 83 theories and 1659 constructs
- can be distilled into TDF (theoretical domains) or BCT (beh change techq)
3 important components for beh change
COM- to TDF then BCT - capability
Physical skills = rehersal or practice of beh = habit formed (BCT)
Knowledge = health conseq, feedback on beh (BCT)
Cog and interpersonal skills
Memory, attention and decision processes
Beh regulation
COM- to TDF then BCT - Oppurtunity
Social Influences - social support/ encouragement, modelling (BCT)
Env context and resources - restructuring the physical env, prompts to performing beh (BCT)
COM- to TDF then BCT - Motivation
Reinforcement – threat, self, reward (BCT)
social/pro role and identity
EG - physical activity - important - why?
Maintain healthy weight, cardiovascular system, healthy joints, healthy bones
Less risk of long term health cond
NHS guidelines even ppromot PA
- be physically active evryday
- at least 2.5 hours moderete intensity activ
- reduce sitting time
- brisk walking, bike irde = mod
- jogging/ running - vig
yoga etc
4 sets of indiv beliefs that relate to health beh
ATTRIB - gym closed bc lockdown OR look for online workouts
RISK PERCEP - im young = dont need to excercise OR ik te impact it can have on my health
MOTIVATION - too tired, OR i want to stay fit
SELF EFFICACY - cant even run anmile OR start of slowley
E.G if beh change goal = to do more PA and the
Beh one wants to do = going out for a run
CAPABILITY = are you physically able?
OPP = Do you have equip?
MOTIVATION = why do u wanna gp?