Indirect Retention Flashcards
What is indirect retention?
Any component of a partial denture which lies above the survey line and is placed on the opposite of the clasp axis of the denture to the saddle area
Why is indirect retention important with regards to clasps?
Makes them function as intended by acting through a lever action to become new rotational axis of displacement
Why are DES most likely to benefit from indirect retention?
They are most prone to displacement in function
Describe how to make indirect retention and clasps effective
Put clasp close to the saddle but indirect retention far from the saddle
Clasps provide most to indirect retention if they are further from the DES
When more than one rotational clasp axis is present, the closest to the saddle contributes most to indirect retention
Name 2 ways to provide indirect retention
- Rests (cingulum or occlusal)
2. Embrasure hooks
What is reciprocation?
Resistance to displacement of tooth by laterally directed forced from retentive clasps as they move up and over bulbosity
Describe how reciprocation works with a clasp
- Reciprocal arm sits on opposite side of tooth than clasp
- When clasp moves up the tooth it pushes the tooth the opposite way in absence of reciprocal arm
- Reciprocal arm prevents this push so more force has to be exerted to move clasp over maximum bulbosity
What is bracing?
Resistance to displacing forces acting in antero-posterior and lateral directions when the denture is fully seated
How is bracing achieved?
Rigid components of the denture in contact with teeth or alveolar ridges