indirect restorations- inlays on onlays Flashcards
when do we have an increased risk of fracture
if the height to ratio base is greater than 1 the tooth is greater risk of fracture
what is the greater risk of loss in a crowned tooth vs uncrowned
6 times greater chance
which tooth position is optimum canine guidance or group funciton
canine guidance as the pt chews there is less pressure and force
why is group function not as ideal
as the posterior teeth are in occlusion and this will put more stress on the cusps
what are some risks of fractured tooth
crowned vs uncrowned
tooth treated
grinding/clenching jaw
height:base ratio
what are some management options to reduce the risk of fracture
cusp coverage
what is the issues with bonding
polymerisation shrinkage
how do we try tor educe polymerisation shrinkage
minimise this y looking at the configuration factor
what is the configuration factors
involves the number of bonded surfaces/ number of unbonded surfaces
when doing a class 2 restoration what do we need to consider
that we need to achieve a good contact point and this will minimise food packing
when is the indication for an inlay
used to achieve a good contact point if it is too wide
define inlay
an indirect restoration that is intracoronal constructed in the lab and cemented into a tooth
what are the advantages with inlays
made outside the lab
polymerisation shrinkage occurs outside the mouth
bonded in place
disadvantages with inlays
no cusp coverage
small MO/DO cavities in molar/premolars
conservative MOD in molar
what do we need to try to do an inlay
canine guidance
low caries risk
about 1/3th buccal to lingual width
height:width less than 1.1
how much percentage of tooth tissue loss is there in a full coverage crown
definition of a cuspal coverage
an indirect restoration constructed in the lab and cemented in the tooth which may contain a intracoronal aspect BUT COVERS 1/MORE CUSPS
advantages of cuspal coverage
→ Uses the intracoronal element to provide retention and cuspal protection
→ Doesn’t extend outside the tooth
higher margins less likely to cause irritation
indications for cuspal coverage
Teeth with larger restoration but sound B and L walls needing cuspal protection eg → RCT teeth → Wider MODs → MODs in premolars → Low caries rate in pt → Over 1/2 B-L width → Height: width <1.1 → Parafunction → XS cusp wear Group function
what is the longevity of gold inlay/onlay
approx 10 years- 96%
what is the longevity of ceramic inlays
8 years 80%
what is the longevity for ceramic onlays
8 years
what might be the issues with CAD/CAM inlays
might be more successful but issues with submargination and hypersensitivity if not ideal shape
how do we choose what material it should be made from
retention and resistance
tooth tissue preservation