Indirect Pronouns 2 Flashcards
What: the appliances
I have them.
Los tengo.
What: the appliances
I have them for you.
Te los tengo.
What: the appliances
You have them?
¿Los tienes?
What: the appliances
Do you have them for me?
¿Me los tienes?
What: the skirts
Do you have them for me?
¿Me las tienes?
What: the skirts
Yes, I have them for you.
Sí, te las tengo.
What: the skirt
I have it for you.
Te la tengo.
What: the skirts
I always send them to you.
Siempre te las envío.
What: the skirts
Do you always send them to me?
¿Siempre me las envías?
What: the skirts
Or do you sell them to me?
¿O me las vendes?
What: the skirts
I buy them for you.
Te las compro.
What: the skirts
No, you used to buy them for me.
No, me las comprabas.
What: the skirts
You bought them for me last year.
Me las compraste el año pasado.
What: the skirts
But now you buy them for her.
Pero ahora se las compras (a ella).
What: the suits
You used to buy them for him.
Tú se los comprabas (a él).
What: the suits
I should buy them for myself.
Debo comprármelos.
What: the suits
No, you should not buy them for you.
No, no debes comprártelos.
What: the suits
You should buy them for me.
Debes comprármelos.
What: the suits
No, I should sell them to you.
No, debo vendértelos.
What: the appliances
I should buy them.
Debo comprarlos.
What: the appliances
No, you should fix them for us.
No, debes arreglárnoslos.
What: the appliances
But I have already fixed them for all of you.
Pero ya se los he arreglado.
What: the appliances
No, you haven’t fixed them for us.
No, no nos los has arreglado.
What: the appliances
You fixed them for her.
Se los arreglaste.
I wash the walls for you.
Te lavo las paredes.
What: the walls
I wash them for you.
Te las lavo.
What: the walls
You washed them for me on Tuesday.
Me las lavaste el martes.
Can you clean the floor for me?
¿Puedes limpiarme el piso?
What: the floor
Yes, I can clean it for you.
Sí, puedo limpiártelo.
What: the floor
But I have already cleaned it for you.
Pero ya te lo he limpiado.
What: the floor
You didn’t clean it for me.
No me lo limpiaste.
I scrubbed the floor for you.
Te fregué el piso.
What: the floor
I scrubbed it for you.
Te lo fregué.
What: the floor
I am sorry but I cleaned it for them.
Lo siento pero se lo limpié a ellos.
Who: you, formal
My sister-in-law cleaned the floors for you.
Mi cuñada le limpió los pisos.
What: the floors
Who: you, formal
My sister-in-law cleaned them for you.
Mi cuñada se los limpió.
What: the floors
Who: you, informal
But she didn’t clean them for you.
Pero ella no te los limpió (a ti).
What: the floors
Who: you, informal
She used to clean them for you.
Te los limpiaba.
What: the walls
He washed them for them.
Se las lavo.
What: the walls
And they cleaned them for us.
Y nos las limpiaron.
What: the walls
And they washed them for us too.
Y nos las lavaron también.
What: the walls
We haven’t cleaned them for anyone.
No se las hemos limpiado a nadie.
What: the walls
We haven’t cleaned them for anyone.
No se las hemos limpiado a nadie.
But I swept the floors for them.
Pero les barrí los pisos a ellos.
Yes, I sweep the floor for you.
Sí, te barro el piso.
I sweep the floors for you usually.
Te barro los pisos usualmente.
What: the floors
You don’t sweep them for me usually.
No me los barres usualmente.
What: the floors
You used to sweep them for me.
Me los barrías.
What: the floors
You didn’t sweep them for me on Thursday.
No me los barriste el jueves.
What: the floors
Because our friends already swept them for us.
Porque nuestros amigos ya nos los barrieron.
What: the floors
No, our friends haven’t swept them for anyone.
No, nuestros amigos no se los han barrido a nadie.
Our friends swept the floor and scrubbed the
bathroom for us.
Nuestros amigos nos barrieron el piso y nos fregaron el baño.
I didn’t wash the dishes for you today.
No te lavé los platos hoy.
I swept the floor for you.
Te barrí el piso.
What: the floor
I swept it for you
Te lo barrí.
What: the bathroom
I am cleaning it for you right now.
Te lo estoy limpiando ahora mismo.
What: the bathroom
Yes, I can clean it for you.
Sí, puedo limpiártelo.