Indirect object pronouns Flashcards
Mi padre me compra un helado los domingos
My father buys me icecream on sundays
TE mando un mensaje esta tarde
I’ll send you a message this afternoon
TE presto mi moto
You can borrow my motorbike
Abuela, ME das mi sandwich
Abuela can i have my sandwich?
Me lo das?
Can i have it?
TE corto el cabello?
Shall i cut your hair?
Mi novia ME escribe cartas largas
Mi girlfriend writes me long letters
Por que no ME dices la verdad?
Why don’t you tell me the truth?
Si quieres, TE muestro la casa
If you like i can show you the house
Mis padres ME regalan libros por navidad
My parents give me books for christmas
Si tienes hambre, TE hago la cena
If you are hungry, i’ll make you dinner
ME traes el periódico por favor?
Can you bring me the newspaper please?
Me lo traes por favor?
Can you bring it to me please?
TE voy a leer mi poema
I am going to read you my poem
Voy a sacarTE una foto
I’m going to take a photo of you
Cuéntame que paso
Tell me what happened