Indirect life cycles Flashcards
What is the DH of toxoplasma gondii?
How is the DH infected with toxoplasma gondii?
Ingesting quiescent bradyzoites, which are found within tissue cysts. These penetrate the epithelial cells in the small intestine.
Ingesting rapidly multiplying tachyzoites in recently infected IH.
How long after infection does the DH shed toxoplasma gondii eggs?
3 weeks after infection
Upon ingestion by the IH/AH, how long does it take for the toxoplasma gondii oocyst to sporulate?
1-5 days
What is the route of transmission to IH/AH by toxoplasma gondii?
Transplacentally - humans, sheep and goats.
What does the presence of tachyzoites indicate?
Acute tissue phase of infection
How long does it take for tachyzoites to be generated in vitro?
6-8 hours
What is endodyogeny?
2 progeny forms within the parent parasite
What is the lytic cycle of a tachyzoite?
Tachyzoite penetrates the host cell.
Host cell ruptures when it can no longer support the growth rate of tachyzoites.
Where are bradyzoites found?
Within tissue cysts
What are the locations of chronic toxoplasmosis?
Muscle and brain tissue
How long does it take for a tissue cyst to form after infection by toxoplasma gondii?
7-10 days
What are the properties of a cyst wall?
Composed of host and parasite material.
Resistant to digestion by gastric juices.
Protected from the host’s immune system.
Why are immunocompromised patients at risk by toxoplasma gondii?
Usually there is a low rate of spontaneous reactivation of bradyzoites to tachyzoites. Normally, this is prevented by the immune system.
What are the signs of a toxoplasma gondii infection in early gestation of sheep/goats?
Abortion - so appear to be a barren ewe.