Indigenous Title, Land Claims and Treatys Flashcards
What does aboriginal title protect?
The relationship between Indigenous peoples and their territories. It’s a right to the land itself.
What does aboriginal title include?
- The right to make a decision about the land
- Economic development opportunities that evolve to reflect modern uses of land
- Group interest in the land held by Indigenous Nations, not by individual people
- Understanding that Aboriginal Title is unique from all other types of property interests.
What is Indigenous Sovereignty?
the rights of indigenous peoples to self-goveren their lands, water and peoples.
In what 3 ways does Indigenous Law and expresion differ form the wetren perspective?
- Unique nation’s customs, and oral tradition
- Each nation has its own expression of laws
- Laws are understood through custom, legend, ceremony and oral tradition.
Where is Indigenous Law is seen?
- In stewardship of land and water for future generations.
- Laws presentted through song, dance, carving and/or ceremony.
- Law carried forward through language, stories and speaches
What are a few differnences between Indigenous Law in relation to land vs Westren Law?
W: land is “property”, a possetion ot comodity.
I: opposite. Very interconnected with culture.
What was the Royal Proclamation 1763?
- stated that Aboriginal peaople had title to land and reasources becaue they were the original people.
- Required colonial goverments to negotiate treaties with Indigenous Nations
- all provinces besides BC have signed treaties outlined int he RP.
- Federal and Provincial gov’s have ignored the laws of the RP
What was the Constitution Act 1867?
- federal govement was declared responsible to make desisions about Indigenous people and
aboriginal land reserves.
What was the Indian Act 1876?
Intended to for federal gov to manage and control Indiginous people
- Removed Indiginous people form their traditional land onto reserves.
- Outlawd Indiginous forms of governance and land ownership
- Prohibited Indiginous peoples form leaving treaty land and seaking leagal help
What were 4 reasons for nation to nation relationships before european contact?
- Trade agreements
- marriage
- peace treaties
- Land-use agreememtns and protocols.
what were the different persmectives on treaties? Indigenous vs Western.
I: living agreement, something that can evolve.
W: transactional relationships (cessions, seeded)
What were 4 Canadian laws that were used against Indigenous Title and Sovereignty?
1) Terra Nullius
2) Docterine of Discovery
3) Docterine of Adverse Possession
4) Passage of TIme
What type of Relationship did the Constitution Act 1876 create between the Canadian gov and Indigenous peoples?
Fiduciary Realtionship
What is a Fiduciary Realtionship?
A party that is expected to make decisions in the baset interest of the thother party wothout personal gain
Whar are indian Reserves?
- Land set aside for Indigenous Peoples that Canada hold in trust
- Indigenous people do not own reserve land