Indicators and Indicator Framework Flashcards
- quantifies and simplifies phenomena and helps understand complex realities
- aggregates of raw and processed data but can be further aggregated to form complex indices
What do we need indicators for?
- defining objects
- Assessing present and future direction with respect to goals and values
- Evaluating specific program, plans, projects
- Measuring/Demonstrating progress
- Evaluating strategies and policies results against them as reference
Musts for indicators
- be relevant
- be able to measure what we want to measure
- to identify key factors of phenomena; strategy, project
- give clear information on it
- quantify and simplify the complex phenomena
- be feasible and practical to be collected and/or implemented
indicator could (be)..
- target reference
- qualitative / quantitative
- measure raw data or aggregated information
- political target or represent political priority
- address strategies and political targets
- evaluate or monitor effect of strategies and political actions
DPSIR is short for…
- Driving Forces
- Pressures
- State
- Impacts
- Responses
Driving forces
socio-economic and socio-cultural forces driving human activities
stresses that human
activities place on environment
condition of environment
effects of environmental degradation
responses by society to environmental situation
What does it make a Good Indicator of Sustainability?
- Address carrying capacity
- Relevant to community
- Understandable to community
- Useable by community
- Long term view
- Show linkages
Limits of Sustainabilty Indicators
- difficult to measure multidimensionality
- complexity (of technical indicators)
- far from being an effective support to policymaking
- prevents local community to identify their indicator
Top-Down approach
the definition of assessment parameters with an identification of what is valuable to society
Bottom up
Identifying all possible databases and data about the considered aspects
combined approach
- most complete procedure
- select indicators related to meaningful topics that should be assessed for complete analysis
- identify indicators that are feasible in term of data availability
description of future condition community members wish to achieve
rule of conduct, esp. of right conduct
means of judging; a test by which something can be judged
Indicator - Markus -
numeric measure that provides key information about a system’s
(Goals or Indicators)
goal- provides framework to develop indicator
indicator- clarify what goal means
(sustainable goal)
- balance between economic, social, and environmental conditions
- long term limits of natural, social, and built systems
- inter- and intra-generational equity
- ‘big picture’ view
- Environmental Performance Index
- ranks countries’ performance on protection of human health + protection of ecosystems
- uses a lot of indicators
- country scores are determined by how close they are to targets
- scores are standarised (scale 0 to 100)
Data vs. Statistics
-Data are figures that need further processing
-Statistics are data coming from official sources