Indian Economy (1950-90) Flashcards
What is an economic system?
an arrangement by which central problems of an economy are solved
What are the central problems of an economy?
what to produce: deciding the final combination of goods and services to be produced i.e selection and quantity
how to produce: deciding technique of production i.e more labour less capital or less labour more capital
for whom to produce: deciding distribution of output among people i.e those who will consume
What is meant by labour intensive and capital intensive technique?
labour intensive is a technique with more usage of labour and less capital
capital intensive is a technique with more usage of capital and less labour
What are the types of economic systems?
capitalist economy
socialist economy
mixed economy
What is capitalist economy? How does it solve the central problems?
one in which the means of production are owned, controlled and operated by the private sector
what to produce - goods that can be sold profitably in domestic/foreign market
how to produce - cheaper techniques (cheap labour - labour intensive, cheap capital - capital intensive)
for whom to produce - goods are distributed on the basis of income and purchasing power, not on the basis of needs
What is a socialist economy? How does it solve the central problems?
one in which the means of production are owned, controlled and operated by the govt
what to produce - govt decides in accordance to needs of society
how to produce - govt decides techniques
for whom to produce - distributed on the basis of need, not income eg: free healthcare
What is a mixed economy?
one in which the public and the private secotr are alloted respective roles for solving central problems of the economy
Why couldn’t India adopt a socialist economy system?
in a democratic country like India, complete dilution of private ownership was impossible
Why couldn’t India adopt a capitalist economy system?
there would be less chances of improvement in quality of life of majority of people
India adopted the _____
India’s society is ______
mixed economy system
What is economic planning?
it is making major economic decisions by the conscious decision of a determinate authority on the basis of an comprehensive survey of the economy as a whole
The ______ and the ________ assigned a leading role in economic planning to the public sector
Industrial Policy Resolution of 1948 and the Directive Principles of the Indian Constitution
When was Planning Commission set up?
Why was the Planning Commission set up?
to carefully assess the human and physical resources of the country and to prepare the Plans for the effective use of resources
What was the planning period set up by the Planning Commission and what was it called?
planning period - 5 years
it was called five year plans
What is the meaning of plan? What is the reason for making plans?
Plan is a document showing detailed scheme, program and strategy, worked out in advance for fulfilling an objective
Purpose - to achieve a pre determined goal within a specific period of time
The concept of Five Year Plan was borrowed from ______
the former Soviet Union
What is the ‘Perspective Plan”
it is a long term plan that specifies the objectives to be attained over a period of 20 years.
The _______ are supposed to be a basis for the Perspective Plan
five year plans
When was the first Five Year Plan launched?
It started from 1st April 1951 and ended on 31st March 1956
What are the basic guiding principles of Indian Planning?
What is growth?
increase in country’s capacity to produce the output of goods and services within the country
What does growth imply?
either a larger stock of productive capital
or a larger size of supporting services (transport, banking)
increase in efficiency of productive capital and services
A good indicator of economic growth is steady increase in ___