indian banking structure Flashcards
who recommended the renaming of sbi
AD gorewala committee
the vedic word kusidin means
1st bank to introduce the cheque system in india
bank of bengal
how many banks were attached with sbi in 1959 and what were they named as
8 ; the assosiate bank of sbi
which assosiate bank of sbi was the largest
state bank of hydrabad
in what year the state bank of Bikaner was merged with state bank of Jaipur and what was it renamed as
1963 ; state bank of bikaner jaipur
in which year the state bank of saurashtra was merged into sbi
in what year the state bank of indore was merged into sbi
when was the state bank of bikaner jaipur, state bank of hydrabad state bank of patila, state bank of mysore and state bank of travancore and bharatiya mahila bank were merged
1 april 2017
when was bhartiya mahila bank was established
how many time indian banks were nationalised
how many banks were nationalised 1st time in india and with what minimum capital
14 banks ; 50cr minimum capital ( nationalised on 19 july 1969)
how many banks were nationlised 2nd time in india and with what minimum capital
6 banks ; 200cr minimum capital ( nationalised on 15 april 1980)
when was the new bank of india merged into pnb
4 sep 1993
when was vijay bank and dene bank merged into bank of baroda
1 april 2019