India -- conditional and other Flashcards
un plan
a map
pour empêcher
to prevent
elle s’est bien passée
it went well
une semaine
one week
La Peste
j’ai commencé à lire
I started to read
un espace
an area
tracer ses contacts
trace contacts
qui prêtent
who lend
beaucoup de règles
lots of rules
tout le monde est assis les uns à côtés des autres
everyone sits next to each other
un registre
a register
entre au bureau
enter the office
sort du bureau
out of the office
une étude
a study
qui prêtent de l’argent aux personnes
who lend money to people
prêter à quelqu’un
lend to someone
un disque
a disk
elle s’est fait connaître
she made herself known
avoir du succès
be successful
ils ne font pas
They do not do
elles ont aimé
they liked
nous avons regardé
we watched
commencer à
start to
son mari a commencé à l’aider
her husband started helping her
le film a été tourné
the film was shot
si j’avais su, je serais allé au magasin
if i had known i would have gone to the store
case 1
box 1
if the weather is good, I will go for a walk
if the weather is good, I will go for a walk
s’il fait beau, j’irai marcher
If the weather is good, I will go for a walk
s’il fait beau, il ira marcher
if the weather is good, he will go for a walk
si + présent / / futur
if + present / / future
I will go
tu iras
you will go
il ira
he will go
nous irons
we will go
vous irez
you will go
ils iront
they will go
case 2
box 2
if the weather was nice, you would go for a walk
if the weather was nice, you would go for a walk
si + imparfait //// conditionnel présent
if + imperfect //// conditional present
s’il faisait beau, tu irais marcher
if the weather was good, you would go for a walk
I would go
tu irais
you would go
il irait
he would go
nous irions
we would go
vous iriez
you would go
ils iraient
they would go
s’il me disait de le faire, je le ferais
if he told me to do it, I would
case 3
box 3
if the weather had been nice, he would have gone for a walk
if the weather had been nice, he would have gone for a walk
s’il avait fait beau, il serait allé marcher
if the weather was good, he would have gone for a walk
si + plus que parfait // conditionnel passé
if + more than perfect // past conditional
plus que parfait: avoir/être in the imparfait + participe passé
more than perfect: having / being in the imperfect + past participle
j’avais fini
I had finished
j’avais mangé
I had eaten
j’étais allé
I had gone
conditionnel passé= avoir /être in the conditionnel + participe passé
conditional past = have / be in the conditional + participle past
j’aurais fini
I would have finished
tu aurais mangé
you would have eaten
il serait allé
he would have gone
je n’oublierai pas
I will not forget
a map
un plan
to prevent
pour empêcher
it went well
elle s’est bien passée
one week
une semaine
La Peste
I started to read
j’ai commencé à lire
an area
un espace
trace contacts
tracer ses contacts
who lend
qui prêtent
lots of rules
beaucoup de règles
everyone sits next to each other
tout le monde est assis les uns à côtés des autres
a register
un registre
enter the office
entre au bureau
out of the office
sort du bureau
a study
une étude
who lend money to people
qui prêtent de l’argent aux personnes
lend to someone
prêter à quelqu’un
a disk
un disque
she made herself known
elle s’est fait connaître
be successful
avoir du succès
They do not do
ils ne font pas
they liked
elles ont aimé
we watched
nous avons regardé
start to
commencer à
her husband started helping her
son mari a commencé à l’aider
the film was shot
le film a été tourné
if i had known i would have gone to the store
si j’avais su, je serais allé au magasin
box 1
case 1
if the weather is good, I will go for a walk
if the weather is good, I will go for a walk
If the weather is good, I will go for a walk
s’il fait beau, j’irai marcher
if the weather is good, he will go for a walk
s’il fait beau, il ira marcher
if + present / / future
si + présent / / futur
I will go
you will go
tu iras
he will go
il ira
we will go
nous irons
you will go
vous irez
they will go
ils iront
box 2
case 2
if the weather was nice, you would go for a walk
if the weather was nice, you would go for a walk
if + imperfect //// conditional present
si + imparfait //// conditionnel présent
if the weather was good, you would go for a walk
s’il faisait beau, tu irais marcher
I would go
you would go
tu irais
he would go
il irait
we would go
nous irions
you would go
vous iriez
they would go
ils iraient
if he told me to do it, I would
s’il me disait de le faire, je le ferais
box 3
case 3
if the weather had been nice, he would have gone for a walk
if the weather had been nice, he would have gone for a walk
if the weather was good, he would have gone for a walk
s’il avait fait beau, il serait allé marcher
if + more than perfect // past conditional
si + plus que parfait // conditionnel passé
more than perfect: having / being in the imperfect + past participle
plus que parfait: avoir/être in the imparfait + participe passé
I had finished
j’avais fini
I had eaten
j’avais mangé
I had gone
j’étais allé
conditional past = have / be in the conditional + participle past
conditionnel passé= avoir /être in the conditionnel + participe passé
I would have finished
j’aurais fini
you would have eaten
tu aurais mangé
he would have gone
il serait allé
I will not forget
je n’oublierai pas